Design of ultrathin nanowire-based integrated via for CMOS application in millimeter-wave frequencies
A device for millimeter-wave frequency CMOS applications with decreased loss made with bundles of integrated nanowires.
Perfect exciter and tactile transducer loudspeaker simulator (PETTaLS)
An end-user software for the layout and design of loudspeakers and haptic displays using exciters
Alternative slice ordering for improved MRI perfusion imaging
A novel method for the alternative ordering of slices in multi-band echo planar imaging arterial spin labeling (MB-EPI ASL) imaging for improved image quality.
Motion robust magnetic resonance imaging (MOTOR-MRI)
A method for suppressing motion artifacts in anatomical magnetic resonance imaging
Monocular camera based time-to-intrusion estimation
A method for estimating the time-to-intrusion of a vehicle to a protected zone using only a monocular camera
Self-Supervision via Data Undersampling (SSDU) Software- Evaluation License
Self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data for MRI
TiW alloy adhesion layer for integration of anodic aluminum oxide on substrates
A method for developing an integrated via structure for improved performance in CMOS applications at millimeter- and submillimeter-wave frequencies
3D printing of organisms
A 3D printing system with multiple nozzles to automatically pick-and-place single and multiple living organisms in desired 3D locations.
Pulsed electric field processing of dairy proteins
A method of using pulsed electric field processing to modify functional properties of dairy proteins
Silica-coated polymeric nanoparticles for silicic acid delivery
Novel silica-coated nanoparticles with a stimulus-responsive core that can swell and fracture the surrounding silica shell, leading to the release of silicic acid.
Rapid detection and prediction of functional characteristics of dairy powders using near-infrared spectroscopy
A model for predicting the functional properties of dairy powders characterized using NIR spectroscopy
Low-cost laser-induced graphene heaters for polymerase chain reaction
A graphene heater for portable devices with low power consumption and cost of manufacturing
Snowplow Driver-Assist System (DAS)
A novel snowplow driver-assist system that provides lane guidance and forward obstacle detection feedback to snowplow operators when clearing snow in low-visibility conditions.
DeepPTx: parallel transmission MRI using deep learning
A novel deep neural network to enhance MRI image reconstruction.
Keratin hydrogels for intravenous embolization
A rapid onset, non-toxic, hybrid hydrogel network for the safe and rapid embolization of blood vessels.
Method for Phase Control in Distributed Arrays
A method of phase alignment in large antenna arrays to improve scalability with low power consumption
Realization of a perfect light absorber in two-dimensional homobilayer by reducing interlayer interaction
Nanofabrication approaches for realizing perfect light absorbance in two-dimensional homobilayer materials
SSDU software for non-Cartesian trajectories- Evaluation License
Non-Cartesian implementation of a self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data
Inverse modeling based approach for land cover mapping
A modeling approach for generating land cover maps for crop growth predictions utilizing satellite images and weather data
Integrated Acousto-optic Light Beam Steering Device
An acousto-optic device design where the acoustic waves directly scatter and steer optical waves into free space for ranging sensors at low cost and with a small form factor.
Water purification device for the simultaneous removal of heavy metals and organic pollutants
A novel photoelectrocatalysis device that can efficiently remove heavy metals and organic pollutants from water.
Image processing technique for improved MRI image fidelity
A novel technique to improve MRI image fidelity via the combination of a denoising and deep learning-based reconstruction.
Ferroelectric graphene varactor
A novel graphene varactor design that incorporates a ferroelectric material as part of the insulator.
Backbone rearrangement of polyesters and polyurethanes
A novel method to modify polyester and polyurethane backbones to change material properties and introduce a handle for degradation.
Artificial gut/absorption simulator for evaluation of drug formulations dissolution
A device and method for simulating a digestive gut to evaluate drug delivery that incorporates simultaneous absorption with dissolution
Bioderived polymers from dienes for compatibilization and recycling of polyethylene and polypropylene mixed waste
Bioderived block copolymers used for the recycling of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) mixed waste.
Free-standing perovskite oxide membranes
A novel method for the synthesis and deposition of perovskite oxide membranes onto a substrate.
Film structure modeling and refinement software: FilmInsight
A novel modeling and refinement software designed to analyze the detailed structure of thin films using X-ray diffraction data.
Selective catalytic combustion of hydrocarbons
A novel method for the selective combustion of acetylene in a mixture of other hydrocarbons over a metal oxide catalyst.
Encapsulated supported anaerobic biofilms for enhanced methane production
Encapsulated anaerobic biofilms for treating wastewater and generating desirable products such as methane or hydrogen gas.
Wearable ultrasound sensors for imaging and sensing
Novel wearable ultrasound transducers designed to integrate real-time imaging, sensing, and treatment functions for application in therapeutics and diagnostics.
Quantitative ultrasound for fatty tissue imaging
A signal processing method to enhance ultrasound imaging of fatty tissue.
Superconducting diode effect in a three-terminal Josephson device
A superconducting quantum device for scalable and gate tunable realization of the Josephson diode effect
Dual frequency RF coil for magnetic resonance imaging
A novel RF resonant coil that can operate at both X-nuclear and proton frequencies.
3D printed flexible OLED displays
A method to fully manufacture OLED displays by 3D printing.
3D printed organ models with integrated sensing capabilities
A method to 3D print patient-specific organ models with tissue-mimicking properties and integrated sensing capabilities.
3D printed damper on the head gimbal assembly of a hard disk drive
A process to 3D print a damping material on the head gimbal assembly of a hard disk drive to reduce vibrations.
Perovskite oxide membrane growth by hybrid molecular beam epitaxy
A novel method to grow freestanding perovskite oxides on 2D materials.
Novel metal-bound heteroarynes for small molecule synthesis
A novel method for the streamlined synthesis of pharmaceutically relevant small molecules via 5-membered metal-bound heteroarynes.
InTERACCT Program: Occupational health and safety training
Training courses for occupational health and safety workers aimed to equip them to handle risks associated with emerging technologies.
Infrared photodetector utilizing coaxial nanoaperture antennas
An infrared photodetector utilizing coaxial nanoaperture antennas that enhance photodetection capabilities.
Highly fluorinated compounds for magnetic resonance-based temperature sensing
Novel fluorinated molecules for temperature sensing by MRI thermometry.
Biomass microbeads for personal care consumer products
Biodegradable microbeads made from unmodified biomass for use in personal care products and cosmetics.
Nanoscale carbon dots for PFAS phytoremediation
A method for the phytoremediation of PFAS from contaminated soil using carbon-based nanoparticles.
Phytoremediation of PFAS with ultraporous silica nanoparticles
A method for the phytoremediation of PFAS from contaminated soil using ultraporous mesostructured silica nanoparticles.
Dual use fungi to remediate groundwater oil contamination and/or enhance oil and gas recovery
A method utilizing fungal hyphae to degrade non-aqueous liquid phase in contaminated soil and groundwater systems.
Endotracheal intubation with computer vision
A machine learning-based intubation tube for autonomous or computer-assisted endotracheal intubation.
Lentivirus for keratinocyte immortalization and immortalized keratinocyte cell lines
A lentivirus for immortalizing human keratinocytes and immortalized keratinocyte cell lines.
High-throughput screening assay for sickle cell disease drug discovery
A high-throughput screening assay for discovering small molecules that directly inhibit sickle hemoglobin oligomerization.
Fixation of nitrogen from renewable resources using non-thermal plasma
A system that fixates nitrogen from air and water to produce nitrate-rich liquids using non-thermal plasma-assisted catalytic reactions.
Direct elution caps for reducing autosampler cross-vial contamination
A screw cap that interfaces a pipette tip and autosampler vial, creating a sturdy connection and an elevated pipette tip position within the vial.
Fast 3-dimensional reciprocal space imaging with laboratory X-ray diffraction: RSLab
A software that adds fast 3D reciprocal space imaging capabilities to laboratory X-ray diffractometers with 2D detectors.
Genetically modified endophyte with biofertilizer potential
A genetically modified bacteria (G. diazotrophicus) that is an established plant endophyte and releases high amounts of ammonium when grown on simple sugars
Taconite based pothole and road repair material (Road Patch)
A fast-setting road repair material comprising magnetite, phosphoric acid and appropriately sized aggregate material developed to address the needs of aging infrastructure.
Development of High Gain and High Aperture Efficiency Virtual Element Arrays
A Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna (FPCA) consisting of a source antenna and a Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) to increase aperture efficiency and antenna gain
Rapid non-invasive portable system for monitoring deterioration of plastics
A system comprising a portable device and image processing software for superficial non-destructive determination of plastic deterioration
Steerable magneto-photonic particles for targeted delivery and collection of light
An embeddable magneto-photonic microparticle that can be externally positioned and orientated for targeted delivery and collection of light.
Fault Detection Technique for Inverter controls
A Control scheme in inverter-based resources (IBR) to simulate synchronous machines in unbalanced faults.
Real-time online Cetane number estimation in jet fuels
A method to prevent in-flight engine failure due to fuel variation. The method employs real-time online Cetane number estimates of jet fuels used by compression ignition engines to enable control of engine performance.
A novel Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)
A novel Vertical Axis Wind Turbine well-suited for urban, suburban, and exurban areas
Engineered bacteria for the synthesis of a biodegradable polymer coating
Genetically modified bacteria for the synthesis of a biodegradable polymer to coat fertilizer pellets, allowing nitrogen to be slowly released over time.
Electric-hydraulic conversion machine for off-road vehicle electrification
A new type of electric-hydraulic conversion machine that integrates the rotor of an electric machine with a hydraulic pump and is useful for electrification of off-road vehicles intended for use in construction.
Negative Bias Temperature Instability aware digital low-dropout regulator
A negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) aware digital low-dropout regulator (DLDO) which utilizes a novel unidirectional shift register for power transistor array control.
Low Cost Sorting Network Circuits using Unary Processing
A novel area and power-efficient approach for hardware implementation of sorting network circuits based on “unary processing”
Estimation of In-Cylinder Pressure and Combustion Variables from Non-Intrusive External Sensors in a Diesel Engine
Non-intrusive estimation of in-cylinder pressure in diesel engines by using a differential equation algorithm.
Synthesis and functionalization of polymers from biomass-derived levoglucosan
Synthesis & functionalization of sustainable polymers with tailored properties from levoglucosan via facile cationic ring-opening polymerization (cROP)
Apparatus and method for tuning the permittivity of ultrahigh dielectric constant materials in an RF coil for MR imaging
Tunable ultrahigh dielectric constant ceramics to significantly improve RF coil efficiency, detection sensitivity, and imaging signal-to-noise ratio in magnetic resonance systems
PV-SMaRT Solar Farm Runoff Calculator Version 3.1
An innovative spreadsheet-based runoff calculator to estimate stormwater runoff from ground-mounted solar photovoltaic sites for pre-construction as well as post-construction site-specific conditions.
A method of improving the efficiency of axial-piston hydraulic motors
A method of improving the energy efficiency of a hydraulic motor by rotating a valve cam for variable piston stroke
High efficiency pump & motor utilizing partial stroke piston pressurization
Novel hydraulic valving system featuring high efficiency variable displacement hydraulic pumps, which can be combined with a variety of existing mechanical piston pumping and/or motoring systems, including radial piston pumps, axial piston pumps, and slider-crank pumps
Method and devices for detection of suspended nanoparticles
An image detection approach that can detect suspended particles much smaller than the wavelength of visible light, or far below the microscope resolution or the diffraction limit of light, using an image sensor.
3D-printed skin-wearable photodetector device
Fully 3D-printed flexible skin-wearable device for real-time measurements of UV-visible exposures.
Long-stroke rolling diaphragm cylinder for passive hydraulic rehabilitation robot
Novel fabric-elastomer long-stroke rolling diaphragm (LSRD) cylinder displaying low friction and zero leakage for small and passive hydraulic systems.
Extrusion via self-lubricated photopolymerization for manufacturing and self-growing robots
A self-lubricated photopolymerization extrusion method for continuous production of profiled polymer parts, which can be deployed in self-growing robots capable of executing a range of tasks, including exploration, burrowing, and traversing tortuous paths.
Method to produce pea protein with improved functionality
A novel method to produce soluble pulse proteins with longer shelf-life that features a clean label and does not compromise nutritional value.
Rapid carbon-free iron ore reduction with high-density hydrogen plasma
A new method of using hydrogen plasmas for rapid and carbon-free iron ore reduction using micron and submicron-sized iron ore particles.
High performance, highly efficient valves for controlling gas flows
A disruptive pneumatic proportional valve technology has been developed that replaces traditional solenoid actuators with piezoelectric actuators. The valves offer two order of magnitude reductions in power consumption, making them ideal for portable applications. They match the flow capacity of most miniature pneumatic valves. They offer highly linear control regardless of operating pressure. They are the fastest of any available pneumatic valves.
Treating trauma-induced acute blood loss
Novel formulations of D-β-hydroxybutyrate and melatonin improve survival from hemorrhagic shock.
Hydraulic switch-mode power transformer for wave powered desalination plants
Efficient hydraulic power-take-off circuit for wave-powered reverse osmosis desalination plants that independently controls the load on the wave energy converter and the pressure at the reverse osmosis membrane through a switching valve
Nanominne-1: novel virus-like particle (nanoparticle) vaccines to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections
Series of novel vaccines containing 60 copies of SARS-CoV-2 antigens displayed in ordered array on a virus-like particle scaffold (nanoparticle)
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) imaging without magnet
A method which produces low cost EPR imaging with better receiver isolation and no magnet requirement
A system for unattended delivery of cognitive neuromodulation therapy
Non-invasive interactive system with specialized equipment and customizable stimulation unit to deliver unattended cognitive neuromodulation therapy. The system supports training of prescribers and clinical staff leading to certification
Method for mass production of high performance magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications
Iron nitride nanoparticles are post-processed by applying a wet ball milling method in conjunction with different surface-active media and centrifugation steps to obtain ultra-stable, monodispersed, uniformly sized, surface-functionalized, and sub-100-nm iron nitride nanoparticles suitable for biomedical applications
Functionalized filters for high efficiency bioseparation
A bioseparation device using a novel filter to facilitate collection and extraction in large volumes and at high flow rates.
Epoxy resins with improved toughness
A composite material made of epoxy combined with graphene and block copolymer for improved toughness.
Modular convection-enhanced evaporation (CEE) system for brine management
An energy efficient modular convection-enhanced evaporation (CEE) system and control algorithm for brine management
Electrical-field bidirectional switching of full MTJs
A full MTJ stack device with bidirectional magnetization switching purely through an electric field
SHE-CRAM: Computational Random Access Memory (CRAM) based on Spin Hall Effect
Spintronics-based memory array system that performs true in-memory computational operations. The novel spin Hall effect (SHE) technology is used to implement a new CRAM computer architecture (SHE-CRAM) that is capable of inter-raw communication
Efficient graphene acoustic plasmon resonator
A graphene-based device for ultrasensitive infrared spectroscopy and sensing
Sugar-secreting green microalga
A microalgae strain that secretes simple sugars in conditions favorable for co-culture schemes and fermentation processes.
Advanced manufacturing method to fabricate removable partial denture
A series of methods and designs to quickly and accurately fabricate partial dentures from intraoral scanning without stone or printed models. The methods include harnessing the abilities of 3d printing, milling, and scanning technology to allow for the most efficient clinical and laboratory outcomes.
Airless tire with improved performance
A non-pneumatic tire using topological polarization and protection to improve asperity accommodation and tire durability.
Non-toxic plastics containing salicylates
Sustainable polymers containing salicylic acid moieties and a method for their synthesis, enabling enhanced hydrolytic degradability that can promote biodegradability while maintaining important material properties.
Cryopreservation method for millimeter scale biological samples using Cryomesh
A cryopreservation method that uses cryomesh and cryopreservation agents to preserve Drosophila embryos.
Combined ammonia recuperation and NOX reduction for increased efficiency in combustion engines
A reactor that combines selective catalytic reduction and thermochemical recuperation together to simultaneously decompose ammonia and convert unburned ammonia and NOX emissions
A counter based in-situ non-linearity measurement circuit in analog-to-digital converters
A novel light-weight measurement circuit to characterize non-linearity in analog-to-digital converters.
Rapid infuser purge valve
A one-way purge valve that allows for quick removal of air from IV fluid bags with a single spike.
Accelerating MRI data acquisition with segmented 2D pulses
A method for accelerating MRI data acquisition with segmented 2D pulses using virtual coils.
Non-Cartesian k-space reconstruction to improve acquisition efficiency
A non‐Cartesian k‐space reconstruction method using self-calibrated, region‐specific interpolation kernels for highly accelerated acquisitions in MRI.
MRI RF coil for improved field efficiency and image quality
A novel RF coil design with high dielectric constant materials to improve B1+ efficiency in MRI systems.
A hybrid machine learning-based magnetic resonance image reconstruction
A machine learning-based magnetic resonance image reconstruction algorithm that combines the benefits of both linear GRAPPA and nonlinear RAKI methods.
High gyrotropy sputtered garnet for photonic isolators
A design and method to fabricate high-gyrotropic optical isolators directly on Si and other common substrates, without using seed layers. This foundry-friendly technology enables creation of smaller, high performance components.
Automated freeway queue warning system
A system for estimating crash-probabilities for automated freeway warning systems.
Low-energy platinum coatings
A method for low temperature thin-film deposition of high melting point metals, like Pt, and their oxides.
Urinary Catheter Stabilization Device
A urinary catheter support device that prevents penile erosion arising from the use of indwelling catheters.
Vehicle-weight based automated passenger counter
A system and method for estimating the number of passengers on a mass transit vehicle.
Rapid microbial diagnostics
A method for rapid detection of microorganisms using chemiluminescence.
Quantitative relaxation mapping
Pulse sequence for MRI scanners
Spin orbit torque generating materials
A novel material with a large spin Hall angle for applications in spintronic devices.
Stochastic computing on pulse-width modulated signals
A low-cost system for computing stochastically using periodic analog signals.
Utilizing periodic irradiation to enhance sensitivity of magnetic resonance detection
A periodic irradiation method for measuring exchange-induced relaxation rate constants to characterize tissue properties using MR spectroscopy.
Pressure shifted and displacement adjusted valve timing
Methods for adjusting hydraulic pump/motor valve timing.
Central airway stent removal device
A medical device for manipulation and removal of airway stents.
Wind turbine icing loss forecasting software
A software for forecasting wind turbine performance reduction caused by ice formation.
Control system to optimize wind turbine farm efficiencies
A method to optimize wind turbine farm efficiencies by minimizing performance loss caused by wind veer.
Control system to optimize cold climate wind turbine performance
A method for mitigating wind turbine performance degradation caused by ice formation.
Remote sensing based classification of soybean aphid-induced stress in soybean
A method for identification of soybean aphid infestation and classification based level of infestation.
Biodegradable elastomers for 3D printing at low temperatures
A method of using a block copolymer comprising PCL and a stretchable amorphous block such as P(βMδVL) or random P(CL-co-DLLA) for creating extruded structures with bioactive ingredients.
High throughput cryopreservation system for up to millimeter-sized samples
A method for cryopreservation of large (100-1000micron dia.) biological samples while improving cell viability.
Detection of toxic small molecules using polymers and Raman scattering
A method to capture one or more analytes using polymers to enable multiplex quantitative detection by surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Device for extracting long genomic DNA from human cells
A microfluidic device for automated cell lysis and extraction of long DNA strands.
Device to Expand Soft Tissue
Multifunctional, flexible sensor array for urethral catheters (20140233)
A new urethral catheter for simultaneous measurement of pressure distribution and neural activity.
Vision-aided Inertial Navigation System (VINS) for 3D Ground Vehicle Localization (20180123)
Single Thread Large-scale Localization and Mapping (20170194)
Active Knit Compression Garment Portfolio (20170290)
A portfolio of shape memory alloy (SMA) functional active knits offers several types of wearable compression garments as well as a novel process for creating them. Technology #20170290-20180107-20180120-20180298
E. Coli Fermentation of Glycerol from Biodiesel Waste into Ethanol
Organic Photovoltaic Solar Cells using Graded Heterojunction Technology
Photovoltaic Organic Solar Cells using Graded Heterojunctions are Less Expensive and More Efficient
Spectrum Sensing Cognitive Radios
Corn Stover Agglomerates for Oil Absorption
Plasmonic Device Produces Collimated, Monochromatic Light from Heat
Ultra-smooth Patterned Metal Films for Plasmonics
Ultra-smooth Patterned Metal Films for Plasmonics and Metamaterials
High Yield Ammonia Production
Efficiency and Space Improvements in Electrical Apparatus
Compact Power Transformer Design is More Efficient and Less Complex
Power Transformer Design Improves Efficiency
SALSA - Automated Speech Assessment
For Quantitative Neuropsychological Cognitive Assessment
Organic Photovoltaic Portfolio
Increased Organic Photovoltaic Efficiency
Uncooled Infrared Detectors with High Sensitivity
High Sensitivity Mid-wave Infrared Thermal Sensor
Ultrathin Zeolite Production Method
Post-Viterbi Error Correction based on Syndrome Value
High-Precision Vehicle Navigation using Kalman Filter Algorithm
Ammonia Production without Molecular Hydrogen for use in Fertilizer Production
CDesK© - Modular Desk / Workstation Design and Manufacturing Specifications
Biosynthesis of Biodiesel without Glycerin By-Product
Cellulosic Ethanol Production from Starch or Cellulose Derived Sugars
Dual Mode Tactile and Proximity Sensor
Plasma Synthesis of Nanocrystals
Nanoparticles Functionalized with Organic Molecules
Cyclic Codes Error Pattern Correction Increases Hard Disk Storage Capacity
CMOS Image Sensor with Adaptive Frame Rate and High Dynamic Range
Ion Gel Gate Insulator in Field Effect Transistors
Highly Sensitive Uncooled, Narrowband, Infrared Detector
Programmable Self-assembly Method for Nanocomponents and Microcomponents
Simple Pulse-width Modulated Controller for Matrix Converters
Navigation Aid for the Visually Impaired
Uncooled, Continuously Tunable Thermal Sensor Increases Thermal Sensitivity
AMSOL 7.1: Software to Calculate Free Energies of Solvation
Biodegradable Polyester Produced From Non-toxic, Renewable Monomer
On-Demand Production of Peracetic Acid
Aerodynamic Lenses Optimized For Nanoparticles
Error Detection Using CRC Code
Directed Self-Assembly, Reconfigurable Manufacturing for Microsystems
Parity-bit Error Detection Targets Prescribed Error Events
MRI of Amyloid Plaque in the Brain
Partial Oxidation for Production of Olefins with Intact Alkane Functional Groups
Real-time Particle Detection in Semiconductor Vacuum Environment
Improved Non-coherent Ultra Wideband Radio Receiver
Microbial Biosynthesis Produces Unique Flavonoids, Chalcones and Stilbenes Used in Nutraceuticals
Biodiesel and Enriched Animal Feed from Dry Distillers Grains with Solubles Created in Ethanol Production
High Quality Digital Image Restoration Provides Faster Downloads with Less Storage and Bandwidth Requirements
Micro Fabrication Using High Resolution Xerographic Printer
Mining Technology for Pellet Fine Removal
Low pH High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography
Cellulosic Biofuel, Chemical, and Ethanol Production
Organism Design for Cellulosic Biofuel, Cellulosic Chemical, and Cellulosic Ethanol Production
Spray Pyrolysis Fabrication of Nanoporous Material
Fast Iterative Decoding of Parallel Concatenated Parity Check Code
Low Complexity Signal Space Detector for DVD Channel
Highly Linear Circuits
Improved Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Using Half-Spin Echo Data Recovery
Biological Sample Imaging Device
Decontamination of food and surfaces from viral contamination using photodynamic treatment
An inexpensive, non-thermal method for decontamination of foods from viral contaminants without affecting their quality.
A positive pressure testing booth for sample collection
Design files for a portable testing booth that facilitates safe practice of sample collection procedures on patients with infectious pathogens.
A Gown for U Project - level 1 isolation gown for emergency use
Design files for a low cost, rapidly producible, one-size-fits-all level 1 isolation gown.
Storage box to facilitate decontamination and reuse of face masks
A safe and well-ventilated storage box for N95 masks - design files and instruction videos.
MNmask Emergency-Use Face Masks
A design package for three styles of emergency-use face masks.
Minnesota Solvation (MNSOL) Database
An extensive and vetted database of free energies of solvation.
Portable aerosol hood to reduce spread of pathogens during medical procedures
A portable, transparent isolation box that facilitates safe practice of medical procedures on patients with infectious pathogens.
Coventor Emergency Ventilator - Adult Manual Resuscitator Compressor
A design package for an emergency, rapid-deployment ventilator system.
Sustainable triblock copolymers as strong, tunable, and degradable pressure sensitive adhesives
A method to produce strong, tunable, and degradable pressure sensitive adhesives from by-products of the cashew industry.
Machine learning algorithm for 3D particle field reconstruction
A machine learning algorithm for accurately reconstructing 3D particle fields.
MemPy v1.0 - Simulation software for gas separation using spiral-wound membrane modules
A simulation software tool to evaluate performance of spiral-wound membrane modules.
Position estimation and tip-over prevention system for off-road vehicles
Visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart model (VIEgram)
A software for easy visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart models.
Improving photovoltaic cell efficiency by employing highly stable, earth-abundant nanoparticle system
A novel nanomaterial for applications involving photon upconversion.
Self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data
Methods for training machine learning algorithms without fully-sampled reference data for inverse problems.
Hybrid charge trap transistor-MRAM memory devices (2020-102, Dr. Jian-Ping Wang)
Designs of hybrid charge trap transistor-MRAM devices for ultra-high-density non-volatile memory.
Nanoparticle bio-pesticide to improve crop health, germination, and overall yield
A material and method of application for improving crop health and yield.
Topographically conforming self-fitting garments made of active materials
A method to design and manufacture knitted garments that dynamically conforms to complex surfaces.
Low-discrepancy Deterministic Bit-stream Processing
Two methods for fast-converging, scalable deterministic computation based-on low-discrepancy sequences.
Exact-repair regenerating codes for distributed storage system
A novel framework for exact-repair regenerating codes that can optimally trade between storage and repair bandwidth in distributed storage systems.
Reduce contamination from grains and powdered food
A method for scalable, non-thermal or low temperature pasteurization of powdered or particulate food.
Simplified Recycling of Multicomponent Polymer Products
Simplified, Single-Vessel Synthesis and Separation of Ammonia
An apparatus and process for simplified, high yield production of ammonia using a single vessel, isothermal reactor.
Click-Chemistry Reagent for Mass Cytometry
Nesocodin: A natural red colorant that’s easily synthesized
A method to synthesize a novel, natural red colorant that is biodegradable and likely non-toxic.
Fluorescence-based assay for probing lipid transfer activity
A sensitive, reproducible and quantitative assay to study lipid transfer using bicelles as model membranes.
CoFe nanowires for remote heating using an alternating magnetic field
A nanowire material for remote, rapid and uniform heating of biological samples.
Low-end to high-end cross-technology communication via cross-decoding (XBee-XFi)
A method to enable high-throughput, concurrent cross-technology communication from low-end to high-end wireless devices using cross-decoding technique.
Patterned organic semiconductor layer for increased efficiency in OLEDs
A simple method to create a single-component diffraction grating using organic semiconductors for the improvement of outcoupling efficiency in OLEDs.
Biodegradable lactose-based hydrogel
A method to produce biodegradable lactose-based hydrogel from lactose-containing dairy waste.
3D tumor models for accurate testing of therapeutics
A method to create a 3D tumor model that accurately mimics both tumor behavior and environment for use in anti-cancer drug development.
Process to Manufacture Branched Caprolactone
Machine Learning-based Dynamic Activity Recommendation System
A deep learning architecture for wearable devices to evaluate, predict, and improve the quality of sleep by recommending personalized activities.
Drug Delivery Device for Oral Topical Medicine
Plant Biometric Estimation Using 3D Models
3D Plant Reconstruction and Biometric Measurement
Compact Holographic PIV with Improved Signal-to-Noise Ratio
MRI Pre-Scan Method for Imaging Metallic Devices
3D printing on Moving Freeform Surfaces
Electric-field switching of perpendicular MTJs
A magnetic semiconductor device design that allows for switching magnetization without an external field.
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Geologic Maps
CMRR - Center for Magnetic Resonance Research Software for Siemens MRI Scanners
High Quality Down-sampling for Deterministic Approaches to Stochastic Computing
Patient Controlled Dynamic Therapeutic Compression Tension Garment
Efficient Ammonia Production Using Stable Absorbents
Cost-effective Real-time Lane Departure Warning System
High Yield Synthesis of Bio-based Acrylic Acid and Acrylate Monomers from Lactic Acid (20180106, Dr. Marc Hillmyer)
Decentralized Interleaving of Parallel-connected Converters in DC Microgrids
Non-invasive Neuromodulation for Reversible Modulation of Neural Activity
A method for targeted modulation of neural activity using transcranial low intensity focused ultrasound.
High Ammonia Absorbing Corn Stover Hydrochar for use in Horse Bedding
Microinjection for Single Cell Gene Manipulation
Referenceless Nyquist Ghost Correction for Echo Planar Imaging (EPI)
Segmenting 3D Bone Computed Tomography Data
Low Latency, Parallel Computing Scheme
Chewing Simulator Provides Sensory Information
Real-Time Reporter and Efficient Enzymes for DNA Editing
Active Knit Compression Stockings
Versatile Biocatalyst System for Synthesizing Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Food Ingredients
Gradient-index Beam Shaper
Optimized Radio Frequency Pulses Generated From Magnetic Resonance User Defined Parameters
High Quality Transparent Conductive Oxide Thin Films
Physical-layer cross-technology communication via signal emulation (AllBee)
A method to enable high-throughput cross-technology communication using physical-level emulation without hardware or firmware modifications.
Nanowire Based Closed Ring Resonators with Extremely High Quality Factors
Design of Energy Efficient Microprocessor
Scan-Specific Machine Learning Reconstruction for MRI
Augmented non-invasive hearing system
Autonomous Vehicle Lane Detection System for Limited Visibility Conditions
3D Printed Stretchable Tactile Sensors with Electronic Ink
Sliding Windowed Infinite Fourier Transform (SWIFT)
3D Microscale Isotropic Metamaterials
Compressed Sensing Coronary MRI Sequence
Enhanced Resolution Cardiac MRI
Remote-Controlled Microscale 3D Self-Assembly
Probes for Biosynthesis of Bacterial Cell Wall
Graphene Based 3D Nanotubes and Nanochannel Sensors
Denoising Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
NOise reduction with DIstribution Corrected (NORDIC) technique for improving MRI imaging.
Faster MRI Acquistion with Motion Robustness
3D Printable Heat Exchanger
Heat to Electricity Using Phase Transformations in Ferroelectric Oxides
Tunable Neural Electrodes for MRI-Compatible Brain Signal Recordings
Mobile Accessible Pedestrian Signal (MAPS) System
An integrated assistive system to support wayfinding and situational awareness in urban environments for people with vision impairment.
A discrete and effective wearable breast pump for nursing mothers
A quiet and concealed wearable breast pump that mimics infant suckling using mechanical compression and heat; increasing milk expression as well as convenience and comfort.