Silica-coated polymeric nanoparticles for silicic acid delivery
Novel silica-coated nanoparticles with a stimulus-responsive core that can swell and fracture the surrounding silica shell, leading to the release of silicic acid.
Keratin hydrogels for intravenous embolization
A rapid onset, non-toxic, hybrid hydrogel network for the safe and rapid embolization of blood vessels.
Backbone rearrangement of polyesters and polyurethanes
A novel method to modify polyester and polyurethane backbones to change material properties and introduce a handle for degradation.
Bioderived polymers from dienes for compatibilization and recycling of polyethylene and polypropylene mixed waste
Bioderived block copolymers used for the recycling of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) mixed waste.
Free-standing perovskite oxide membranes
A novel method for the synthesis and deposition of perovskite oxide membranes onto a substrate.
Selective catalytic combustion of hydrocarbons
A novel method for the selective combustion of acetylene in a mixture of other hydrocarbons over a metal oxide catalyst.
Encapsulated supported anaerobic biofilms for enhanced methane production
Encapsulated anaerobic biofilms for treating wastewater and generating desirable products such as methane or hydrogen gas.
Perovskite oxide membrane growth by hybrid molecular beam epitaxy
A novel method to grow freestanding perovskite oxides on 2D materials.
Novel metal-bound heteroarynes for small molecule synthesis
A novel method for the streamlined synthesis of pharmaceutically relevant small molecules via 5-membered metal-bound heteroarynes.
InTERACCT Program: Occupational health and safety training
Training courses for occupational health and safety workers aimed to equip them to handle risks associated with emerging technologies.
Highly fluorinated compounds for magnetic resonance-based temperature sensing
Novel fluorinated molecules for temperature sensing by MRI thermometry.
Biomass microbeads for personal care consumer products
Biodegradable microbeads made from unmodified biomass for use in personal care products and cosmetics.
Nanoscale carbon dots for PFAS phytoremediation
A method for the phytoremediation of PFAS from contaminated soil using carbon-based nanoparticles.
Phytoremediation of PFAS with ultraporous silica nanoparticles
A method for the phytoremediation of PFAS from contaminated soil using ultraporous mesostructured silica nanoparticles.
Dual use fungi to remediate groundwater oil contamination and/or enhance oil and gas recovery
A method utilizing fungal hyphae to degrade non-aqueous liquid phase in contaminated soil and groundwater systems.
Lentivirus for keratinocyte immortalization and immortalized keratinocyte cell lines
A lentivirus for immortalizing human keratinocytes and immortalized keratinocyte cell lines.
Fixation of nitrogen from renewable resources using non-thermal plasma
A system that fixates nitrogen from air and water to produce nitrate-rich liquids using non-thermal plasma-assisted catalytic reactions.
Engineered bacteria for the synthesis of a biodegradable polymer coating
Genetically modified bacteria for the synthesis of a biodegradable polymer to coat fertilizer pellets, allowing nitrogen to be slowly released over time.
Synthesis and functionalization of polymers from biomass-derived levoglucosan
Synthesis & functionalization of sustainable polymers with tailored properties from levoglucosan via facile cationic ring-opening polymerization (cROP)
Method for mass production of high performance magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications
Iron nitride nanoparticles are post-processed by applying a wet ball milling method in conjunction with different surface-active media and centrifugation steps to obtain ultra-stable, monodispersed, uniformly sized, surface-functionalized, and sub-100-nm iron nitride nanoparticles suitable for biomedical applications
Epoxy resins with improved toughness
A composite material made of epoxy combined with graphene and block copolymer for improved toughness.
Non-toxic plastics containing salicylates
Sustainable polymers containing salicylic acid moieties and a method for their synthesis, enabling enhanced hydrolytic degradability that can promote biodegradability while maintaining important material properties.
Detection of toxic small molecules using polymers and Raman scattering
A method to capture one or more analytes using polymers to enable multiplex quantitative detection by surface-enhanced Raman scattering
High Yield Ammonia Production
Organic Photovoltaic Portfolio
Ultrathin Zeolite Production Method
AMSOL 7.1: Software to Calculate Free Energies of Solvation
Biodegradable Polyester Produced From Non-toxic, Renewable Monomer
Partial Oxidation for Production of Olefins with Intact Alkane Functional Groups
Low pH High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography
Spray Pyrolysis Fabrication of Nanoporous Material
Minnesota Solvation (MNSOL) Database
An extensive and vetted database of free energies of solvation.
Sustainable triblock copolymers as strong, tunable, and degradable pressure sensitive adhesives
A method to produce strong, tunable, and degradable pressure sensitive adhesives from by-products of the cashew industry.
Nanoparticle bio-pesticide to improve crop health, germination, and overall yield
A material and method of application for improving crop health and yield.
Reduce contamination from grains and powdered food
A method for scalable, non-thermal or low temperature pasteurization of powdered or particulate food.
Simplified Recycling of Multicomponent Polymer Products
Simplified, Single-Vessel Synthesis and Separation of Ammonia
An apparatus and process for simplified, high yield production of ammonia using a single vessel, isothermal reactor.
Click-Chemistry Reagent for Mass Cytometry
Nesocodin: A natural red colorant that’s easily synthesized
A method to synthesize a novel, natural red colorant that is biodegradable and likely non-toxic.
CoFe nanowires for remote heating using an alternating magnetic field
A nanowire material for remote, rapid and uniform heating of biological samples.
Biodegradable lactose-based hydrogel
A method to produce biodegradable lactose-based hydrogel from lactose-containing dairy waste.
Process to Manufacture Branched Caprolactone
Drug Delivery Device for Oral Topical Medicine
Versatile Biocatalyst System for Synthesizing Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Food Ingredients
Ultra-High Yield Para-Xylene from Biomass-Derived 2,5-Dimethylfuran
Solar UV-Induced Skin Cancer Inhibitor
Biomass-derived Butadiene from Tetrahydrofuran
Biomass-Derived Isoprene in High Yield
Efficient Process to Make Biodegradable Polyesters and Green Solvents from Itaconic Acid
Engineered enzymes to disrupt bacterial communication and reduce virulence
Engineered enzymes that inhibit bacterial virulence factors by breaking down bacterial communication molecules.
Engineered enzymes to disrupt and prevent biofilms
Engineered enzymes that inhibit hazardous and infectious biofilms by breaking down bacterial communication molecules.
Environmentally-friendly, enzymatic anticorrosion and antifouling coating
A method to reduce microbial-caused corrosion and biofouling through the use of an enzymatic coating to disrupt bacterial communication