A tau antibody for detecting and treating Alzheimer's disease
An antibody for detecting, screening, and inhibiting Tau products critical in Alzheimer’s disease
Temporal sparse imaging of cardiac electric activity
A novel cardiac imaging technique that enables high-resolution, noninvasive imaging of cardiac electrical activity.
Detection of liver cancer by AI analysis of ultrasound Doppler waves
A novel method to detect hepatocellular carcinoma via ultrasound examination and AI analysis of the portal vein.
Alternative slice ordering for improved MRI perfusion imaging
A novel method for the alternative ordering of slices in multi-band echo planar imaging arterial spin labeling (MB-EPI ASL) imaging for improved image quality.
Dpath: a novel software for classification and quantification of cellular states in single-cell transcriptomics
A software for classification and quantification of cell types during stage transitions from stem cells to differentiated cells. This software can further classify and quantify the progenitor and committed states in single-cell RNA-sequence data in a non-biased manner.
Atrial fibrillation complexity score for enhanced risk stratification and management
A novel scoring system that integrates multiple metrics to evaluate the severity of atrial fibrillation.
Single-pathogen detection via liposome-amplified plasmonic immunoassay
A novel colorimetric assay with single pathogen detection capabilities.
Motion robust magnetic resonance imaging (MOTOR-MRI)
A method for suppressing motion artifacts in anatomical magnetic resonance imaging
Plasma cell-free DNA sequencing assay for advanced prostate cancer
A liquid biopsy assay for predicting survival outcomes of castration-resistant prostate cancer
Self-Supervision via Data Undersampling (SSDU) Software- Evaluation License
Self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data for MRI
Hamster CD4 and CD8 antibodies
Monoclonal antibodies against Syrian golden hamster CD4 and CD8
Glycoengineered mesenchymal stem cells as targeted therapeutic carriers
A targeted therapeutic delivery system utilizing glycoengineered mesenchymal stem cells for reduced toxicity and increased treatment residence time
An anti-CD133 hybridoma
A hybridoma for manufacturing anti-CD133 antibodies capable of recognizing glycosylated and non-glycosylated epitopes
Serum-based extracellular vesicle panel for detection for glioblastoma
A blood-based panel for diagnosing and tracking glioblastoma to improve patient outcomes
Hyperstable synthetic miniproteins as ligand scaffolds
Hyperstable synthetic miniproteins as modular ligand scaffolds for advanced therapeutics and diagnostics.
SSDU software for non-Cartesian trajectories- Evaluation License
Non-Cartesian implementation of a self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data
Broadspectrum potentially therapeutic nanobodies against COVID-19
A class of nanobodies (Nanosota-2, -3, and -4) offering broadspectrum therapeutic potential against COVID-19.
Image processing technique for improved MRI image fidelity
A novel technique to improve MRI image fidelity via the combination of a denoising and deep learning-based reconstruction.
Nanorings for cell-mediated drug delivery
Farnesylated chemically self-assembled nanorings that facilitate targeted drug delivery between cells.
Wearable ultrasound sensors for imaging and sensing
Novel wearable ultrasound transducers designed to integrate real-time imaging, sensing, and treatment functions for application in therapeutics and diagnostics.
Quantitative ultrasound for fatty tissue imaging
A signal processing method to enhance ultrasound imaging of fatty tissue.
Dual frequency RF coil for magnetic resonance imaging
A novel RF resonant coil that can operate at both X-nuclear and proton frequencies.
Ovarian cancer prognostic test for predicting response to chemotherapy and bevacizumab
A prognostic molecular test for predicting ovarian cancer patient response to platinum-based chemotherapy and/or treatment with bevacizumab.
Early detection of ovarian cancer using a multiprotein classifier
A blood test for detecting ovarian cancer with over 90% accuracy by monitoring key protein levels.
Endotracheal intubation with computer vision
A machine learning-based intubation tube for autonomous or computer-assisted endotracheal intubation.
Autonomous high-accuracy analysis of prostate cancer biopsies
A framework for automated detection of prostate cancer on histopathology slides.
Steerable magneto-photonic particles for targeted delivery and collection of light
An embeddable magneto-photonic microparticle that can be externally positioned and orientated for targeted delivery and collection of light.
Self-navigation to enable efficient 3D DWI SE-EPI multi-slab multi-band imaging
A method for correcting MRI data from corruption due to physiological changes.
Augmented reality transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (AR-TIPS) set and other interventional devices
An augmented reality (AR) system to assist clinicians in performing medical procedures inside the body where 3D anatomical information is important
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) imaging without magnet
A method which produces low cost EPR imaging with better receiver isolation and no magnet requirement
Engineered SARS-CoV-2 spike ectodomain for COVID-19 diagnostic assays
Engineered SARS-CoV-2 spike ectodomain expressed from stably transfected mammalian cell lines to be used as an effective diagnostic antigen against different SARS-CoV-2 variants
Method for mass production of high performance magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications
Iron nitride nanoparticles are post-processed by applying a wet ball milling method in conjunction with different surface-active media and centrifugation steps to obtain ultra-stable, monodispersed, uniformly sized, surface-functionalized, and sub-100-nm iron nitride nanoparticles suitable for biomedical applications
Lateral flow assay for respiratory viruses
CRISPR/Cas9-based point-of-care diagnosis for SARS-CoV-2
Risk-free in situ non animal (RISNA) surrogate assay for African swine fever virus
A method of using a surrogate virus to confirm inactivation of African Swine Fever Virus(ASFV)
MRI RF coil for improved field efficiency and image quality
A novel RF coil design with high dielectric constant materials to improve B1+ efficiency in MRI systems.
Rapid microbial diagnostics
A method for rapid detection of microorganisms using chemiluminescence.
Autonomous, high accuracy classification of cancer in tissue samples
A machine learning-based algorithm for cancer detection and classification.
Quantitative relaxation mapping
Pulse sequence for MRI scanners
Software for dual-mode ultrasound array driver and imaging platform (DMUA-DIP)
A software to drive dual-mode ultrasound arrays in imaging and therapy modes in a synchronized fashion.
Minimally invasive diagnostic for osteosarcoma in dogs
A panel of six definitive biomarkers that can be isolated from a canine blood sample for the detection of minimal residual disease and monitoring remission in dogs treated for osteosarcoma.
A method to identify cell-free biomarkers of cancers and other diseases
A cost-effective method to discover biomarkers for a variety of cancers that can be measured in a blood sample and can inform risk, diagnosis, prognosis and predict responses to therapy.
Assessing tumor behavior and response to therapy
A method to identify biomarkers for the detection of tumor behavior and/or increased risk for tumor metastasis in order to improve patient outcomes in both humans and animals.
Machine learning for early cancer detection
A machine learning method to train and validate algorithms to classify cancer risk based on a blood sample.
Community-based antibiotic screening method for polymicrobial infections (2020-090)
An improved antibiotic susceptibility test (AST) that determines minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) with high physiological relevance for polymicrobial infections.
Fast and reliable neutralization antibodies assay for AAV gene therapy (2020-121)
An assay to measure neutralization antibodies for adeno-associated viral vectors in gene therapy, to screen patients for clinical trials and treatment.
SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-binding domain for use in COVID-19 assays (2020-301)
Stably transfected mammalian cell lines that express the receptor-binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein for use in assays and research relevant to COVID-19 and potential therapies.
Multifunctional, flexible sensor array for urethral catheters (20140233)
A new urethral catheter for simultaneous measurement of pressure distribution and neural activity.
Orthodontic teeth aligners enabling deeper analysis and personalized treatment plans (2020-227, Dr. Alex Fok)
A system and method for measuring stress and strain distribution of invisible orthodontic teeth aligners.
3D Spine Registration Software for Computational Thoracic Volume Modeling (20160071)
Circulating tumor biomarkers for meningiomas (2020-164)
A biomarker panel for early diagnosis of meningiomas with the potential to improve patient outcomes.
Siderophore-based diagnosis of bacterial infections (20150206)
Monoclonal Anti-FAP for cancer research and therapeutic development (2019-131)
A plasmid encoding a recombinant monoclonal antibody against tumorigenic protein FAP in the tumor stroma that is ideal for both basic research and therapeutic drug development.
A novel small molecule screening platform for tauopathies (2019-123)
FRET-based biosensors that identify early toxic states of tau for use in basic research and clinical development of therapeutics for tauopathies including Alzheimer’s Disease.
Functional Analysis of Networks in the Neural System
SALSA - Automated Speech Assessment
For Quantitative Neuropsychological Cognitive Assessment
MRI Contrast Software Based on RAFF-n
Imaging of Cardiac Electrical Activation
A novel cardiac electrophysiological 3D imaging algorithm.
Algorithm for Non-invasive Source Localization of Neural Activity
MRI of Amyloid Plaque in the Brain
Biological Imaging Provides Full Imaging of Samples
Improved Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Using Half-Spin Echo Data Recovery
Biological Sample Imaging Device
Machine learning algorithm for 3D particle field reconstruction
A machine learning algorithm for accurately reconstructing 3D particle fields.
Peripheral Artery Disease Quality of Life (PADQOL) Questionnaire
A validated instrument to assess the physical, psychosocial and emotional effects on patients suffering from peripheral artery disease.
Visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart model (VIEgram)
A software for easy visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart models.
Improving photovoltaic cell efficiency by employing highly stable, earth-abundant nanoparticle system
A novel nanomaterial for applications involving photon upconversion.
Machine learning-based sleep quality monitoring
CoFe nanowires for remote heating using an alternating magnetic field
A nanowire material for remote, rapid and uniform heating of biological samples.
Machine Learning-based Dynamic Activity Recommendation System
A deep learning architecture for wearable devices to evaluate, predict, and improve the quality of sleep by recommending personalized activities.
iTorsion - Smartphone App for Ocular Torsion Diagnosis
MRI Pre-Scan Method for Imaging Metallic Devices
3D printing on Moving Freeform Surfaces
CMRR - Center for Magnetic Resonance Research Software for Siemens MRI Scanners
Referenceless Nyquist Ghost Correction for Echo Planar Imaging (EPI)
Segmenting 3D Bone Computed Tomography Data
Scan-Specific Machine Learning Reconstruction for MRI
Specific kinase biosensors to probe cancer metabolism
Substrate peptides for Ser/Thr kinases to investigate the metabolic processes of cancer cells.
Sliding Windowed Infinite Fourier Transform (SWIFT)
Compressed Sensing Coronary MRI Sequence
Enhanced Resolution Cardiac MRI
Probes for Biosynthesis of Bacterial Cell Wall
Denoising Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
NOise reduction with DIstribution Corrected (NORDIC) technique for improving MRI imaging.
Faster MRI Acquistion with Motion Robustness
Universal tyrosine kinase substrates
Non-selective, universal substrates for tyrosine kinases that couple with a fluorescent readout mechanism to serve as quantity and quality control (internally and/or between samples).
Myocardial Viability Functional Assessment
Dynamic Quantification of Myocardial Tissue MRI
Conformable Dual-mode Ultrasound Transducers for Neuromodulation
Single Voxel MR Spectroscopy of Human Brain with Automatic Voxel Positioning
Magnetization Transfer Contrast Preparation
Particle Swarm Optimization for Programming Neuromodulation Systems
Multi-modal Neuromodulation Therapy Promotes Sleep
Image-Based Fiber Orientation and Alignment Calculator
Motion-Robust Cardiac B1+ Mapping of the Transmit Field
Imaging Source Distribution from Electromagnetic Signals
Clinical Quality MRI Image under Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field
Black-Blood T1 Myocardial Mapping to Remove Partial Voluming Effects
Kinase assay to aid in development of therapeutics for acute myeloid leukemia
Peptide substrates to sensitively and specifically measure the real-time activity of FLT3, a kinase linked to acute myeloid leukemia.
Lung Biopsy Tool
3D Shoulder Motion Measurement System
Smart Clothing with Dynamically Controlled Compression
Designing 2D and 3D Adiabatic Pulses
Neuromodulator for Simultaneous Stimulation and Signal Reception
Colorimetric Assay for Microbial Screening
Efficient release of affinity-captured cells
A method to effectively release affinity-captured cells.
Endometrial Cancer Recurrence Risk Biomarker
Radiofrequency Antenna Array with Electric Dipole and Loop Elements
Adaptive Refocusing of Ultrasound Arrays Using Synthetic Aperture Imaging Data
Kinase biosensor for individualized cancer therapy (20150289, Dr. Laurie Parker)
A method to sensitively and specifically detect the activity of multiple kinases, from multiple samples in a traceable manner.
Improved Deep Brain Stimulation Target Selectivity (20150170, Dr. Shalom Michaeli)
Improved MRI Quality with Gradient Modulation Pulse Sequence (20150133, Dr. Kobayashi, Dr. Garwood)
Time Efficient Arterial Spin Labeling Imaging with Segmented Multiband-acquisition (20150097, Dr. Greg Metzger)
Improved MRI Method Uses Temperature Rise Contraints (20150061, Dr. Moortele)
Portable Urine Flow Rate Detector (20140342, Dr. Sean Elliott)
Improved Multi-Band Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (20140303, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)
Circulating Tumor Cell Detection with New Reagents (20140299, Dr. Jayanth Panyam)
Label-Free Transistor-based Biosensor (20140298, Dr. Dorfman, Dr. Frisbie)
Mapping Prostate Cancer from Multi-parametric MRI with Improved Predictive Models (20140287, Dr. Greg Metzger)
Mesoporous Silica-coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticle (20140249, Dr. Christy Haynes)
In-vivo MRI Radiofrequency Pulses Robust against Respiration Induced Errors (20140236, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)
Multi-band SWIFT Improves MRI (20140121, Dr. Idiyatullin, Dr. Garwood)
Generalized Multiband Slice Accelerated Imaging (20140093, Dr. Dingxin Wang)
Soft Tissue Elasticity Imaging Method to Assess Pathology (20140062, Dr. Bojan Guzina)
Protein Scaffold for Molecular Targeting Ligands (20140059, Dr. Benjamin Hackel)
Reduced-power SWIFT Magnetic Resonance Imaging (20140052, Dr. Jinjin Zhang, Dr. Garwood)
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles with ultra high porosity
Novel mesoporous silica nanoparticles with high pore volume and open pore structure, displaying high thermal stability and mechanical sturdiness
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis and Treatment (20130341, Dr. Karunya Kandimalla)
Anti-arrhythmic Effect of Cardiac Pacing Without Feedback (20130273, Dr. Alena Talkachova)
Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography (20130259, Dr. Bin He)
Reagent for Dual Protein Labeling (20130255, Dr. Mark Distefano)
Multislice Multiband Excitation with Parallel Transmission for B1 Homogenization and Power Reduction (20130170)
VnmrJ SWIFT Software for Agilent Varian Systems
Intraoral Dental MRI Coil (20130110, Dr. Michael Garwood)
MRI Tool is Alternative to Arthroscopy (20130100, Dr. Jutta Ellermann)
MRI Signal Separation using Iterative Calibration (20130079, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)
Mass Spectrometry Software Improves Data Evaluation (20120293, Dr. Timothy Griffin)
MRI Method Reduces Peak Power for Multiband Images (20120077, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)
MRI Pulse Sequence: Steering Resonance over the Object (20120049, Dr. Michael Garwood)
Monocarboxylate Transporter (MCT) Inhibitors to Treat Hypoxic Tumors (20120012)
Faster Functional and Diffusion MRI of the Brain (20110139, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)
Lower Specific Absorption Rate for Multiband MRI (20110093, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)
Faster Whole Brain Imaging (20110092, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)
Digital Pathology Virtual Microscope Slides with Online Database (20110025, Dr. Stephen Wiesner)
The Digital Pathology Virtual Microscope Slides allow medical students and allied health professionals to access hematology, body fluids, bacteriology and parasitology microscope slides through an online database for distance learning and enhanced curriculum delivery.