3D printing of organisms

A 3D printing system with multiple nozzles to automatically pick-and-place single and multiple living organisms in desired 3D locations.

Glycoengineered mesenchymal stem cells as targeted therapeutic carriers

A targeted therapeutic delivery system utilizing glycoengineered mesenchymal stem cells for reduced toxicity and increased treatment residence time

Keratin hydrogels for intravenous embolization

A rapid onset, non-toxic, hybrid hydrogel network for the safe and rapid embolization of blood vessels.

Encapsulated supported anaerobic biofilms for enhanced methane production

Encapsulated anaerobic biofilms for treating wastewater and generating desirable products such as methane or hydrogen gas.

Efficient CRISPR-based gene editing for stem cells

A CRISPR-based gene editing protocol for induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with improved editing efficiency and cell survival.

Lentivirus for keratinocyte immortalization and immortalized keratinocyte cell lines

A lentivirus for immortalizing human keratinocytes and immortalized keratinocyte cell lines.

Genetically modified endophyte with biofertilizer potential

A genetically modified bacteria (G. diazotrophicus) that is an established plant endophyte and releases high amounts of ammonium when grown on simple sugars

Steerable magneto-photonic particles for targeted delivery and collection of light

An embeddable magneto-photonic microparticle that can be externally positioned and orientated for targeted delivery and collection of light.

Engineered bacteria for the synthesis of a biodegradable polymer coating

Genetically modified bacteria for the synthesis of a biodegradable polymer to coat fertilizer pellets, allowing nitrogen to be slowly released over time.

Functionalized filters for high efficiency bioseparation

A bioseparation device using a novel filter to facilitate collection and extraction in large volumes and at high flow rates.

Sugar-secreting green microalga

A microalgae strain that secretes simple sugars in conditions favorable for co-culture schemes and fermentation processes.

A novel approach for bioprinting complex tissue models

A new method to align cells in muscle tissue using long, pre-aligned microtissues, which are suspended in a bio-ink and printed using a 3D extrusion bioprinter to form larger macrotissues.

Biodegradable elastomers for 3D printing at low temperatures

A method of using a block copolymer comprising PCL and a stretchable amorphous block such as P(βMδVL) or random P(CL-co-DLLA) for creating extruded structures with bioactive ingredients.

Long-term whole organ cryopreservation and transplantation

A method for long-term whole organ cryopreservation and transplantation using vitrification and nanowarming techniques.