Treating epilepsy via targeted therapy to the endopiriform nucleus (EPN)
A system and method for treating epilepsy and other neurological disorders by deep brain stimulation targeted to the EPN using ultrahigh field MRI.
Wearable ultrasound sensors for imaging and sensing
Novel wearable ultrasound transducers designed to integrate real-time imaging, sensing, and treatment functions for application in therapeutics and diagnostics.
Quantitative ultrasound for fatty tissue imaging
A signal processing method to enhance ultrasound imaging of fatty tissue.
Neonatal pneumothorax decompression device
A rapidly deployable, self-contained device to evacuate air from the pleural space of a neonate.
Medical device for the treatment of Raynaud’s phenomenon
A novel therapeutic device that applies blue light and warmth for the treatment of Raynaud’s phenomenon.
3D printed organ models with integrated sensing capabilities
A method to 3D print patient-specific organ models with tissue-mimicking properties and integrated sensing capabilities.
Catheter to measure intra-arterial pressure gradients
A catheter coated in carbon nanotubes and pressure membranes that measures intra-arterial pressure changes.
Novel biliary stent and deployment device
A novel device for managing difficult strictures of the pancreatic and biliary ducts.
A catheter-based intravenous respirator
A device for direct gas exchange with the venous system to deliver oxygen and support critically ill patients.
Device to deliver large volumes of oxygen intravenously
A device for infusing large volumes of oxygen directly into the bloodstream via an oxygenated and pressurized saline solution.
Endotracheal intubation with computer vision
A machine learning-based intubation tube for autonomous or computer-assisted endotracheal intubation.
Autonomous high-accuracy analysis of prostate cancer biopsies
A framework for automated detection of prostate cancer on histopathology slides.
Steerable magneto-photonic particles for targeted delivery and collection of light
An embeddable magneto-photonic microparticle that can be externally positioned and orientated for targeted delivery and collection of light.
3D-printed skin-wearable photodetector device
Fully 3D-printed flexible skin-wearable device for real-time measurements of UV-visible exposures.
Long-stroke rolling diaphragm cylinder for passive hydraulic rehabilitation robot
Novel fabric-elastomer long-stroke rolling diaphragm (LSRD) cylinder displaying low friction and zero leakage for small and passive hydraulic systems.
Medical Device for Chronic Sinusitis
The technology is a design of a medical device that can be placed in the ostium between the maxillary sinus and nasal passageway for treatment of chronic sinusitis.
Augmented reality transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (AR-TIPS) set and other interventional devices
An augmented reality (AR) system to assist clinicians in performing medical procedures inside the body where 3D anatomical information is important
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) imaging without magnet
A method which produces low cost EPR imaging with better receiver isolation and no magnet requirement
A system for unattended delivery of cognitive neuromodulation therapy
Non-invasive interactive system with specialized equipment and customizable stimulation unit to deliver unattended cognitive neuromodulation therapy. The system supports training of prescribers and clinical staff leading to certification
Advanced manufacturing method to fabricate removable partial denture
A series of methods and designs to quickly and accurately fabricate partial dentures from intraoral scanning without stone or printed models. The methods include harnessing the abilities of 3d printing, milling, and scanning technology to allow for the most efficient clinical and laboratory outcomes.
Rapid infuser purge valve
A one-way purge valve that allows for quick removal of air from IV fluid bags with a single spike.
Network Neuromodulation
A closed-loop deep brain stimulation device that exploits new mechanisms of action to control brain networks
Algorithm to improve left ventricular assist device implantation
An image processing algorithm to determine ideal, patient-specific location parameters for LVAD implantation.
MRI RF coil for improved field efficiency and image quality
A novel RF coil design with high dielectric constant materials to improve B1+ efficiency in MRI systems.
Urinary Catheter Stabilization Device
A urinary catheter support device that prevents penile erosion arising from the use of indwelling catheters.
Chaotic desynchronization of neural populations with non-pulsatile inputs
A method to identify stimulation parameters for desynchronizing a set of neurons.
Central airway stent removal device
A medical device for manipulation and removal of airway stents.
Biodegradable elastomers for 3D printing at low temperatures
A method of using a block copolymer comprising PCL and a stretchable amorphous block such as P(βMδVL) or random P(CL-co-DLLA) for creating extruded structures with bioactive ingredients.
High throughput cryopreservation system for up to millimeter-sized samples
A method for cryopreservation of large (100-1000micron dia.) biological samples while improving cell viability.
Device to Expand Soft Tissue
Multifunctional, flexible sensor array for urethral catheters (20140233)
A new urethral catheter for simultaneous measurement of pressure distribution and neural activity.
Orthodontic teeth aligners enabling deeper analysis and personalized treatment plans (2020-227, Dr. Alex Fok)
A system and method for measuring stress and strain distribution of invisible orthodontic teeth aligners.
Biofeedback Hand Grip Exercise Device for Assessing Muscle Function (20170200)
Active Knit Compression Garment Portfolio (20170290)
A portfolio of shape memory alloy (SMA) functional active knits offers several types of wearable compression garments as well as a novel process for creating them. Technology #20170290-20180107-20180120-20180298
Infection Control System for Sterilization of Catheter Access Points with Ultraviolet (UV) Light
Improved Impedance Measurements for Pulmonary Edema from Pacemaker or CRT-ICD Leads
Improved Monitoring of Heart Failure Using Bioimpedance
Imaging of Cardiac Electrical Activation
A novel cardiac electrophysiological 3D imaging algorithm.
Navigation Aid for the Visually Impaired
Algorithm for Non-invasive Source Localization of Neural Activity
MRI of Amyloid Plaque in the Brain
Fabric Sleeve for Percutaneous Transluminal Device Provides Embolic Protection
Implantable Microvalve Device for Controlled Insulin Delivery in Type 1 Diabetes Patients
Risk assessment for repeated hospital admission: Pra and PraPlus
Minnesota LIVING WITH HEART FAILURE® Questionnaire (MLHFQ)
The Minnesota LIVING WITH HEART FAILURE® Questionnaire (MLHFQ) is a validated patient-oriented measure of the adverse effects of heart failure on a patient's life.
A positive pressure testing booth for sample collection
Design files for a portable testing booth that facilitates safe practice of sample collection procedures on patients with infectious pathogens.
A Gown for U Project - level 1 isolation gown for emergency use
Design files for a low cost, rapidly producible, one-size-fits-all level 1 isolation gown.
Storage box to facilitate decontamination and reuse of face masks
A safe and well-ventilated storage box for N95 masks - design files and instruction videos.
MNmask Emergency-Use Face Masks
A design package for three styles of emergency-use face masks.
Portable aerosol hood to reduce spread of pathogens during medical procedures
A portable, transparent isolation box that facilitates safe practice of medical procedures on patients with infectious pathogens.
Coventor Emergency Ventilator - Adult Manual Resuscitator Compressor
A design package for an emergency, rapid-deployment ventilator system.
Sustainable triblock copolymers as strong, tunable, and degradable pressure sensitive adhesives
A method to produce strong, tunable, and degradable pressure sensitive adhesives from by-products of the cashew industry.
Peripheral Artery Disease Quality of Life (PADQOL) Questionnaire
A validated instrument to assess the physical, psychosocial and emotional effects on patients suffering from peripheral artery disease.
Living with Pulmonary Hypertension Questionnaire (LPHQ)
The Living with Pulmonary Hypertension Questionnaire (LPHQ) is a reliable and validated measure of the adverse effects of pulmonary hypertension on a patient’s life.
Visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart model (VIEgram)
A software for easy visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart models.
Topographically conforming self-fitting garments made of active materials
A method to design and manufacture knitted garments that dynamically conforms to complex surfaces.
Elderly Mortality After Trauma (EMAT) score
A validated scoring method for predicting mortality after trauma in elderly patients at admission.
Machine learning-based sleep quality monitoring
CoFe nanowires for remote heating using an alternating magnetic field
A nanowire material for remote, rapid and uniform heating of biological samples.
Biodegradable lactose-based hydrogel
A method to produce biodegradable lactose-based hydrogel from lactose-containing dairy waste.
Machine Learning-based Dynamic Activity Recommendation System
A deep learning architecture for wearable devices to evaluate, predict, and improve the quality of sleep by recommending personalized activities.
Suture-free Chest Tube Stabilizing Device
Drug Delivery Device for Oral Topical Medicine
Multi-compartment Biopsy Syringe
3D printing on Moving Freeform Surfaces
Patient Controlled Dynamic Therapeutic Compression Tension Garment
Non-invasive Neuromodulation for Reversible Modulation of Neural Activity
A method for targeted modulation of neural activity using transcranial low intensity focused ultrasound.
Referenceless Nyquist Ghost Correction for Echo Planar Imaging (EPI)
Segmenting 3D Bone Computed Tomography Data
Directional Coordinated Reset Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) (20180061)
Active Knit Compression Stockings
Optimized Radio Frequency Pulses Generated From Magnetic Resonance User Defined Parameters
Augmented non-invasive hearing system
3D Printed Stretchable Tactile Sensors with Electronic Ink
Sliding Windowed Infinite Fourier Transform (SWIFT)
Compressed Sensing Coronary MRI Sequence
Remote-Controlled Microscale 3D Self-Assembly
Tunable Neural Electrodes for MRI-Compatible Brain Signal Recordings
A discrete and effective wearable breast pump for nursing mothers
A quiet and concealed wearable breast pump that mimics infant suckling using mechanical compression and heat; increasing milk expression as well as convenience and comfort.
Myocardial Viability Functional Assessment
Orthopedic Meniscus Repair Implant, Introducer and Delivery System
Remedy for Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
Large 3D Printed Skull Window for Neuroscience Research
Conformable Dual-mode Ultrasound Transducers for Neuromodulation
Particle Swarm Optimization for Programming Neuromodulation Systems
Multi-modal Neuromodulation Therapy Promotes Sleep
Scaffolds for Cancer Cell Ablation
Pediatric Tracheo-bronchomalacia Stent and Deployment System
Mimicked Calcified Annulus Model for Preclinical Assessment of TAVR Devices
Imaging Source Distribution from Electromagnetic Signals
Compliant Aortic Stent Graft
Lung Biopsy Tool
3D Shoulder Motion Measurement System
Ultrasound-based Hearing Aid
Smart Clothing with Dynamically Controlled Compression
Improved Lumbar Puncture And Epidural Accuracy
Engineered enzymes to disrupt bacterial communication and reduce virulence
Engineered enzymes that inhibit bacterial virulence factors by breaking down bacterial communication molecules.
Engineered enzymes to disrupt and prevent biofilms
Engineered enzymes that inhibit hazardous and infectious biofilms by breaking down bacterial communication molecules.
Environmentally-friendly, enzymatic anticorrosion and antifouling coating
A method to reduce microbial-caused corrosion and biofouling through the use of an enzymatic coating to disrupt bacterial communication
Designing 2D and 3D Adiabatic Pulses
Neuromodulator for Simultaneous Stimulation and Signal Reception
Improved Craniotome to Prevent Dural Tear
Efficient release of affinity-captured cells
A method to effectively release affinity-captured cells.
Catheter Based Targeted Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator (ECMO)
Multimodal Synchronization, Sound & Electrical Stimulation, Hearing Aid (mSync-hEAR)
Hydrophobic Surfaces for Tooth Tissues
Adaptive Refocusing of Ultrasound Arrays Using Synthetic Aperture Imaging Data
Catheter System with Guidewire Compartmentalization (20150223, Dr. Rumi Faizer)
Lower Extremity Edema Monitor (20150192, Dr. Rajesh Rajamani)
Deep Brain Stimulation Using Magnetic Brain Array (20150177, Dr. Jian-Ping Wang)
Improved Deep Brain Stimulation Target Selectivity (20150170, Dr. Shalom Michaeli)
Deep Brain Stimulation Settings Optimization Algorithm (20150160, Dr. Matthew Johnson)
Time Efficient Arterial Spin Labeling Imaging with Segmented Multiband-acquisition (20150097, Dr. Greg Metzger)
Bearingless Motor Design (20150060-1)
Improved Vascular Embolization Catheter (20150016, Dr. Jagadeesan)
Portable Urine Flow Rate Detector (20140342, Dr. Sean Elliott)
Neuromuscular Blocking Agents Monitoring Device (20140295)
Mapping Prostate Cancer from Multi-parametric MRI with Improved Predictive Models (20140287, Dr. Greg Metzger)
In-vivo MRI Radiofrequency Pulses Robust against Respiration Induced Errors (20140236, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)
Transesophageal Echocardiography Sleeve and Controller (20140168)
Multi-band SWIFT Improves MRI (20140121, Dr. Idiyatullin, Dr. Garwood)
Soft Tissue Elasticity Imaging Method to Assess Pathology (20140062, Dr. Bojan Guzina)
Measuring Thermal Properties of Tissues (20130333, Dr. John Bischof)
Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography (20130259, Dr. Bin He)
Intraoral Dental MRI Coil (20130110, Dr. Michael Garwood)
MRI Tool is Alternative to Arthroscopy (20130100, Dr. Jutta Ellermann)
Polyhydroxyalkanoates Blended with Graphene Nanocomposites (20130048, Dr. Srienc)
Neonatal Care Unit Provides Developmental Positioning for Premature Infants (20120316)
Cardio-Embolic Stroke Protection (20120149)
Synchronized Multi-Modal Tinnitus Therapy (20120070, Dr. Hubert Lim)
A non-invasive or minimally-invasive method for the suppression of tinnitus using synchronized brain stimulation.
Microfluidic Cell Processing Device Removes Cryopreservation DMSO During Cell Recovery
A microfluidic device for removing DMSO from cryopreserved cells.