Detection of liver cancer by AI analysis of ultrasound Doppler waves
A novel method to detect hepatocellular carcinoma via ultrasound examination and AI analysis of the portal vein.
Motion robust magnetic resonance imaging (MOTOR-MRI)
A method for suppressing motion artifacts in anatomical magnetic resonance imaging
Monocular camera based time-to-intrusion estimation
A method for estimating the time-to-intrusion of a vehicle to a protected zone using only a monocular camera
Self-Supervision via Data Undersampling (SSDU) Software- Evaluation License
Self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data for MRI
DeepPTx: parallel transmission MRI using deep learning
A novel deep neural network to enhance MRI image reconstruction.
SSDU software for non-Cartesian trajectories- Evaluation License
Non-Cartesian implementation of a self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data
Image processing technique for improved MRI image fidelity
A novel technique to improve MRI image fidelity via the combination of a denoising and deep learning-based reconstruction.
Film structure modeling and refinement software: FilmInsight
A novel modeling and refinement software designed to analyze the detailed structure of thin films using X-ray diffraction data.
Quantitative ultrasound for fatty tissue imaging
A signal processing method to enhance ultrasound imaging of fatty tissue.
Lake water quality monitoring using satellite imagery
A method to process satellite imagery to create surface water clarity maps for large geographical areas.
Algorithm for registering prostate imaging data
A semi-automatic image registration algorithm that performs registration of prostate multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) data.
Autonomous high-accuracy analysis of prostate cancer biopsies
A framework for automated detection of prostate cancer on histopathology slides.
Fast 3-dimensional reciprocal space imaging with laboratory X-ray diffraction: RSLab
A software that adds fast 3D reciprocal space imaging capabilities to laboratory X-ray diffractometers with 2D detectors.
Rapid non-invasive portable system for monitoring deterioration of plastics
A system comprising a portable device and image processing software for superficial non-destructive determination of plastic deterioration
Low Cost Sorting Network Circuits using Unary Processing
A novel area and power-efficient approach for hardware implementation of sorting network circuits based on “unary processing”
UEMview: Source files for UEM delay stage and detector communication
Software files for automating image acquisition in TEM
Enhancement of dynamic wireless communication system speed and performance using continuous learning
An approach that enables data-driven methods to continuously learn and optimize resource allocation strategies in dynamic environments of wireless communications.
Kidney and Kidney Tumor Segmentation Data
High resolution CT images of kidneys for training machine learning algorithms.
Assisted machine learning architecture
A disruptive machine learning architecture invented for privacy-sensitive entities to collaborate with each other without sacrificing the quality of gained intelligence.
Algorithm to improve left ventricular assist device implantation
An image processing algorithm to determine ideal, patient-specific location parameters for LVAD implantation.
Accelerating MRI data acquisition with segmented 2D pulses
A method for accelerating MRI data acquisition with segmented 2D pulses using virtual coils.
Non-Cartesian k-space reconstruction to improve acquisition efficiency
A non‐Cartesian k‐space reconstruction method using self-calibrated, region‐specific interpolation kernels for highly accelerated acquisitions in MRI.
A hybrid machine learning-based magnetic resonance image reconstruction
A machine learning-based magnetic resonance image reconstruction algorithm that combines the benefits of both linear GRAPPA and nonlinear RAKI methods.
Observability constrained vision-aided inertial navigation (OC-VINS)
Novel techniques for eliminating estimator inconsistency in vision-aided inertial navigation systems.
Vehicle-weight based automated passenger counter
A system and method for estimating the number of passengers on a mass transit vehicle.
Autonomous, high accuracy classification of cancer in tissue samples
A machine learning-based algorithm for cancer detection and classification.
Quantitative relaxation mapping
Pulse sequence for MRI scanners
Stochastic computing on pulse-width modulated signals
A low-cost system for computing stochastically using periodic analog signals.
Iterative Kalman smoother for robust 3D localization for vision-aided inertial navigation
A method for tracking 3D motion of a VINS system in real-time.
Remote sensing based classification of soybean aphid-induced stress in soybean
A method for identification of soybean aphid infestation and classification based level of infestation.
UEMtomaton: Software for automating image acquisition in electron microscope
Software files for automating image acquisition in TEM
Orthodontic teeth aligners enabling deeper analysis and personalized treatment plans (2020-227, Dr. Alex Fok)
A system and method for measuring stress and strain distribution of invisible orthodontic teeth aligners.
Autonomous data corruption filter for 3D image reconstruction (20180303)
An autonomous data corruption filter algorithm for recovering 3D structure of an object from 2D images.
Single Thread Large-scale Localization and Mapping (20170194)
MRI Contrast Software Based on RAFF-n
High-Precision Vehicle Navigation using Kalman Filter Algorithm
Algorithm for Non-invasive Source Localization of Neural Activity
High Quality Digital Image Restoration Provides Faster Downloads with Less Storage and Bandwidth Requirements
HUMBI dataset - high resolution multiview images of human body expressions
A large multiview dataset of human body expressions from a diverse population.
Machine learning algorithm for 3D particle field reconstruction
A machine learning algorithm for accurately reconstructing 3D particle fields.
Visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart model (VIEgram)
A software for easy visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart models.
Self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data
Methods for training machine learning algorithms without fully-sampled reference data for inverse problems.
Low-discrepancy Deterministic Bit-stream Processing
Two methods for fast-converging, scalable deterministic computation based-on low-discrepancy sequences.