Dpath: a novel software for classification and quantification of cellular states in single-cell transcriptomics

A software for classification and quantification of cell types during stage transitions from stem cells to differentiated cells. This software can further classify and quantify the progenitor and committed states in single-cell RNA-sequence data in a non-biased manner.

Motion robust magnetic resonance imaging (MOTOR-MRI)

A method for suppressing motion artifacts in anatomical magnetic resonance imaging

Monocular camera based time-to-intrusion estimation

A method for estimating the time-to-intrusion of a vehicle to a protected zone using only a monocular camera

Machine learning algorithm for early prediction of clinical deterioration events

A novel machine learning-based predictive modeling method to predict clinical deterioration events such as (but not limited to) ICU transfer and ventilator use. This enables ‘predictive triaging’, i.e. being able to make triaging decisions hours to days ahead of actual deterioration of a critically ill patient. Factors impacting the deterioration are also explicated, which can be used to prevent the deterioration.

Self-Supervision via Data Undersampling (SSDU) Software- Evaluation License

Self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data for MRI

1 licensing option
hMETIS Version 1.5

A software package for partitioning large hypergraphs, especially those arising in circuit design.

Rapid detection and prediction of functional characteristics of dairy powders using near-infrared spectroscopy

A model for predicting the functional properties of dairy powders characterized using NIR spectroscopy

SSDU software for non-Cartesian trajectories- Evaluation License

Non-Cartesian implementation of a self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data

1 licensing option
Image processing technique for improved MRI image fidelity

A novel technique to improve MRI image fidelity via the combination of a denoising and deep learning-based reconstruction.

Film structure modeling and refinement software: FilmInsight

A novel modeling and refinement software designed to analyze the detailed structure of thin films using X-ray diffraction data.

1 licensing option
Quantitative ultrasound for fatty tissue imaging

A signal processing method to enhance ultrasound imaging of fatty tissue.

Single-cell Integration and DrUg Response PrediCtion (scIDUC)

A computational pipeline that predicts drug response scores for individual cells using single-cell RNA sequencing data.

2 licensing options
Lake water quality monitoring using satellite imagery

A method to process satellite imagery to create surface water clarity maps for large geographical areas.

The Data Remanence Technique for enhanced data encryption

A data remanence based approach for reliable key extraction from SRAM memory cells.

Machine learning model to mitigate the spread of false information on social networks

A machine learning model to identify and classify misinformation spreaders on social networks.

Autonomous wheel loader control system

A new control system architecture to automate the control of a wheel loader.

Reduced complexity modular polynomial multiplication for R-LWE cryptosystems

A method for integrating modular reduction into Karatsuba polynomial multiplication, used to optimize performance of R-LWR-based ciphers and other cryptographic systems.

Personalized Online Self-Learning System (POSLS™)

A set of machine learning algorithms to enable hyper personalization of online learning.

Algorithm for registering prostate imaging data

A semi-automatic image registration algorithm that performs registration of prostate multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) data.

Rubato4Rubato: A software platform for analyzing rubato

A software platform that introduces a new mathematical language to aid musicians, composers, and researchers in exploring and analyzing rubato.

Statewide Work Zone Information System (SWIS)

A real-time database of active, planned, and historical work zones that automatically ingests official traffic control plans to define work zone and traffic control layout.

Autonomous high-accuracy analysis of prostate cancer biopsies

A framework for automated detection of prostate cancer on histopathology slides.

Real-time online Cetane number estimation in jet fuels

A method to prevent in-flight engine failure due to fuel variation. The method employs real-time online Cetane number estimates of jet fuels used by compression ignition engines to enable control of engine performance.

Automatic Evaluation of Wheat Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight Using Dual Mask

A method that enables the rapid recognition of wheat spikes and the fungus Fusarium Head Blight diseased areas in wheat.

Structured Deterministic Model (SDM 2.0)

An Excel-based, user-friendly tool for estimating airborne concentrations that represent potential occupational inhalation exposure to volatile and semi-volatile chemicals and chemical mixtures, aerosols, particulates, and fibers.

4 licensing options
Feed-forward XOR physical unclonable functions

Feed-forward XOR physical unclonable functions for device authentication software security

A data privatization method which maintains statistical accuracy

A novel data protection method that maintains the statistical accuracy of the data and also provides state-of-the-art data privacy.

Enhancement of dynamic wireless communication system speed and performance using continuous learning

An approach that enables data-driven methods to continuously learn and optimize resource allocation strategies in dynamic environments of wireless communications.

Augmented reality transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (AR-TIPS) set and other interventional devices

An augmented reality (AR) system to assist clinicians in performing medical procedures inside the body where 3D anatomical information is important

Modular convection-enhanced evaporation (CEE) system for brine management

An energy efficient modular convection-enhanced evaporation (CEE) system and control algorithm for brine management

Electrical-field bidirectional switching of full MTJs

A full MTJ stack device with bidirectional magnetization switching purely through an electric field

SHE-CRAM: Computational Random Access Memory (CRAM) based on Spin Hall Effect

Spintronics-based memory array system that performs true in-memory computational operations. The novel spin Hall effect (SHE) technology is used to implement a new CRAM computer architecture (SHE-CRAM) that is capable of inter-raw communication

Assisted machine learning architecture

A disruptive machine learning architecture invented for privacy-sensitive entities to collaborate with each other without sacrificing the quality of gained intelligence.

Algorithm to improve left ventricular assist device implantation

An image processing algorithm to determine ideal, patient-specific location parameters for LVAD implantation.

Accelerating MRI data acquisition with segmented 2D pulses

A method for accelerating MRI data acquisition with segmented 2D pulses using virtual coils.

Non-Cartesian k-space reconstruction to improve acquisition efficiency

A non‐Cartesian k‐space reconstruction method using self-calibrated, region‐specific interpolation kernels for highly accelerated acquisitions in MRI.

A hybrid machine learning-based magnetic resonance image reconstruction

A machine learning-based magnetic resonance image reconstruction algorithm that combines the benefits of both linear GRAPPA and nonlinear RAKI methods.

Observability constrained vision-aided inertial navigation (OC-VINS)

Novel techniques for eliminating estimator inconsistency in vision-aided inertial navigation systems.

Iterative Kalman smoother for robust 3D localization for vision-aided inertial navigation

A method for tracking 3D motion of a VINS system in real-time.

Remote sensing based classification of soybean aphid-induced stress in soybean

A method for identification of soybean aphid infestation and classification based level of infestation.

Bone Model Algorithm for 3D in vivo Joint Kinematics (20180008)

Autonomous data corruption filter for 3D image reconstruction (20180303)

An autonomous data corruption filter algorithm for recovering 3D structure of an object from 2D images.

Single Thread Large-scale Localization and Mapping (20170194)

Food Supply Chain Risk Assessment and Mitigation Tools (20180173)

Technology #20180173-20180174-20180175-20180176-20180177-20180178

ParMETIS - Mesh Graph Partitioning Algorithm

Post-Viterbi Error Correction based on Syndrome Value

High-Precision Vehicle Navigation using Kalman Filter Algorithm

Imaging of Cardiac Electrical Activation

A novel cardiac electrophysiological 3D imaging algorithm.

AMSOL 7.1: Software to Calculate Free Energies of Solvation

4 licensing options
Error Detection Using CRC Code

Algorithm for Non-invasive Source Localization of Neural Activity

MRI of Amyloid Plaque in the Brain

Low Complexity Signal Space Detector for DVD Channel

Improved Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Using Half-Spin Echo Data Recovery

Serial Graph Partitioning, Finite Element Analysis and Fill Order Reduction for Sparse Matrices

Risk assessment for repeated hospital admission: Pra and PraPlus

1 licensing option
FINPACK® Financial Software for Agricultural and Farm Management

FINPACK® is the credit analysis solution that can help lenders work smarter and serve customers better.

Protocol for mapping sports field properties

A step-by-step, easy-to-follow protocol for collecting and analyzing surface properties of sports fields using commercially available devices and free software.

1 licensing option
Machine learning algorithm for 3D particle field reconstruction

A machine learning algorithm for accurately reconstructing 3D particle fields.

Visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart model (VIEgram)

A software for easy visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart models.

1 licensing option
Self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data

Methods for training machine learning algorithms without fully-sampled reference data for inverse problems.

Low-discrepancy Deterministic Bit-stream Processing

Two methods for fast-converging, scalable deterministic computation based-on low-discrepancy sequences.

Six-month mortality risk estimation from electronic medical record

Elderly Mortality After Trauma (EMAT) score

A validated scoring method for predicting mortality after trauma in elderly patients at admission.

Exact-repair regenerating codes for distributed storage system

A novel framework for exact-repair regenerating codes that can optimally trade between storage and repair bandwidth in distributed storage systems.

Machine learning-based sleep quality monitoring

Low-end to high-end cross-technology communication via cross-decoding (XBee-XFi)

A method to enable high-throughput, concurrent cross-technology communication from low-end to high-end wireless devices using cross-decoding technique.

Performance Driven Agglomerative Clustering Software

2 licensing options
Machine Learning-based Dynamic Activity Recommendation System

A deep learning architecture for wearable devices to evaluate, predict, and improve the quality of sleep by recommending personalized activities.

Community Detection Method for Decomposition for Optimization Problems

Plant Biometric Estimation Using 3D Models

3D Plant Reconstruction and Biometric Measurement

MRI Pre-Scan Method for Imaging Metallic Devices

3D printing on Moving Freeform Surfaces

CMRR - Center for Magnetic Resonance Research Software for Siemens MRI Scanners

9 licensing options
High Quality Down-sampling for Deterministic Approaches to Stochastic Computing

Survival Analysis Software for Medical Applications

Cost-effective Real-time Lane Departure Warning System

Decentralized Interleaving of Parallel-connected Converters in DC Microgrids

Non-invasive Neuromodulation for Reversible Modulation of Neural Activity

A method for targeted modulation of neural activity using transcranial low intensity focused ultrasound.

Automated De-Identification of Distributional Semantics Models

1 licensing option
Referenceless Nyquist Ghost Correction for Echo Planar Imaging (EPI)

Segmenting 3D Bone Computed Tomography Data

Low Latency, Parallel Computing Scheme

Gradient-index Beam Shaper

Optimized Radio Frequency Pulses Generated From Magnetic Resonance User Defined Parameters

Peer Mentoring Program Increases Faculty Productivity (PQUAD)

1 licensing option
Physical-layer cross-technology communication via signal emulation (AllBee)

A method to enable high-throughput cross-technology communication using physical-level emulation without hardware or firmware modifications.

Design of Energy Efficient Microprocessor

Scan-Specific Machine Learning Reconstruction for MRI

Augmented non-invasive hearing system

Autonomous Vehicle Lane Detection System for Limited Visibility Conditions

Compressed Sensing Coronary MRI Sequence

Enhanced Resolution Cardiac MRI

One-Year Mortality Risk Estimates from Electronic Medical Record Data

Denoising Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data

NOise reduction with DIstribution Corrected (NORDIC) technique for improving MRI imaging.

Mobile Accessible Pedestrian Signal (MAPS) System

An integrated assistive system to support wayfinding and situational awareness in urban environments for people with vision impairment.

Myocardial Viability Functional Assessment

Dynamic Quantification of Myocardial Tissue MRI

Single Voxel MR Spectroscopy of Human Brain with Automatic Voxel Positioning

1 licensing option
Magnetization Transfer Contrast Preparation

Particle Swarm Optimization for Programming Neuromodulation Systems

Multi-modal Neuromodulation Therapy Promotes Sleep

Image-Based Fiber Orientation and Alignment Calculator

3 licensing options
Optimizing Processors for IoT Applications

Imaging Source Distribution from Electromagnetic Signals

Predicting Crop Yield and Quality Using Canopy Reflectance and LiDAR Sensors

Clinical Quality MRI Image under Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field

CG-TARGET Interpretation of Chemical-Genetic Interaction Profiles

4 licensing options
BEAN-Counter Quantitative Scoring of Chemical-Genetic Interactions

4 licensing options
Synthesizing Virtual Oscillators for Inverter-Based Power Systems (20160422, Dr. Sairaj Dhople)

Optimal Power Flow Pursuit

Designing 2D and 3D Adiabatic Pulses

Robust Device Authentication for Integrated Circuits

Radiofrequency Antenna Array with Electric Dipole and Loop Elements

Algorithm for Discovering Genetic Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies (BridGE)

1 licensing option
Multimodal Synchronization, Sound & Electrical Stimulation, Hearing Aid (mSync-hEAR)

High Quality Mosaics from UAV Obtained Images

Adaptive Refocusing of Ultrasound Arrays Using Synthetic Aperture Imaging Data

Fault-Tolerant Aircraft Flight Control (20150238, Dr. Peter Seiler)

Lower Extremity Edema Monitor (20150192, Dr. Rajesh Rajamani)

Deep Brain Stimulation Settings Optimization Algorithm (20150160, Dr. Matthew Johnson)

Photovoltaic Inverter Dispatch Optimizer (20150142, Dr. Giannakis)

Time Efficient Arterial Spin Labeling Imaging with Segmented Multiband-acquisition (20150097, Dr. Greg Metzger)

Food Supply Protection Using Big Data (20150084, Dr. Amy Kircher)

Improved MRI Method Uses Temperature Rise Contraints (20150061, Dr. Moortele)

Portable Urine Flow Rate Detector (20140342, Dr. Sean Elliott)

Improved Multi-Band Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (20140303, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)

Mapping Prostate Cancer from Multi-parametric MRI with Improved Predictive Models (20140287, Dr. Greg Metzger)

In-vivo MRI Radiofrequency Pulses Robust against Respiration Induced Errors (20140236, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)

Parking Availability Monitoring System (20140124, Dr. Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos)

Multi-band SWIFT Improves MRI (20140121, Dr. Idiyatullin, Dr. Garwood)

Generalized Multiband Slice Accelerated Imaging (20140093, Dr. Dingxin Wang)

Electromigration on Signal Interconnects (20140089, Dr. Sachin Sapatnekar)

Incongruity Algorithm Predicts Interestingness (20140083, Dr. Jaideep Srivastava)

Soft Tissue Elasticity Imaging Method to Assess Pathology (20140062, Dr. Bojan Guzina)

Vehicle to Vehicle Technology Communicates Driving Hazards (20140049, Dr. Imran Hayee)

Precision Agriculture Drone Algorithms (20140013, Dr. Volkan Isler)

Anti-arrhythmic Effect of Cardiac Pacing Without Feedback (20130273, Dr. Alena Talkachova)

Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography (20130259, Dr. Bin He)

Multislice Multiband Excitation with Parallel Transmission for B1 Homogenization and Power Reduction (20130170)

Intraoral Dental MRI Coil (20130110, Dr. Michael Garwood)

MRI Signal Separation using Iterative Calibration (20130079, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)

Robust Image Correlation Based Strain Calculator for Tissue Systems (20130022, Dr. Victor Barocas)

3 licensing options
Critical-Time-Based Approach to Route Planning (20130008, Dr. Shashi Shekar)

Thermodynamic Database Population Software (DBCreate) (20120324, Dr. Martin Saar)

2 licensing options
Mass Spectrometry Software Improves Data Evaluation (20120293, Dr. Timothy Griffin)

2 licensing options
Efficient Evacuation Route Planning and Emergency Management (20120196, Dr. Shashi Shekhar)

Synchronized Multi-Modal Tinnitus Therapy (20120070, Dr. Hubert Lim)

A non-invasive or minimally-invasive method for the suppression of tinnitus using synchronized brain stimulation.

Robust Principal Components Analysis Algorithm (20110246, Dr. Gilad Lerman)

Estimate Power Spectral Density (PSD) in a Network or Geographical Region (20110170, Dr. Georgios Giannakis)

Globally Optimal State Estimation of AC Power Systems Using Semidefinite Programming (20110169, Dr. Georgios Giannakis)

Faster Functional and Diffusion MRI of the Brain (20110139, Dr. Kamil Ugurbil)

US3D: Aerodynamic and Aerothermodynamic Simulations Software (20110126, Dr. Graham Candler)

Imputation of Missing Data in Multidimensional Retail Data Sets (20110121, Dr. Arindam Banerjee)

Magnetization Transfer Using Inversion Recovery (20100117)

Fluid Mechanics Simulation Software based on Lattice-Boltzmann Models (20100042, Dr. Martin Saar)

1 licensing option
Digital Pathology Quantitative Immunohistochemistry Software

Digital Pathology Quantitative Immunohistochemistry Software