Inverse modeling based approach for land cover mapping

A modeling approach for generating land cover maps for crop growth predictions utilizing satellite images and weather data

The Data Remanence Technique for enhanced data encryption

A data remanence based approach for reliable key extraction from SRAM memory cells.

Machine learning model to mitigate the spread of false information on social networks

A machine learning model to identify and classify misinformation spreaders on social networks.

Reduced complexity modular polynomial multiplication for R-LWE cryptosystems

A method for integrating modular reduction into Karatsuba polynomial multiplication, used to optimize performance of R-LWR-based ciphers and other cryptographic systems.

Low Cost Sorting Network Circuits using Unary Processing

A novel area and power-efficient approach for hardware implementation of sorting network circuits based on “unary processing”

A data privatization method which maintains statistical accuracy

A novel data protection method that maintains the statistical accuracy of the data and also provides state-of-the-art data privacy.

Assisted machine learning architecture

A disruptive machine learning architecture invented for privacy-sensitive entities to collaborate with each other without sacrificing the quality of gained intelligence.

Serial Graph Partitioning, Finite Element Analysis and Fill Order Reduction for Sparse Matrices

Low-discrepancy Deterministic Bit-stream Processing

Two methods for fast-converging, scalable deterministic computation based-on low-discrepancy sequences.

Machine learning-based sleep quality monitoring

Machine Learning-based Dynamic Activity Recommendation System

A deep learning architecture for wearable devices to evaluate, predict, and improve the quality of sleep by recommending personalized activities.

Algorithm for Discovering Genetic Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies (BridGE)

1 licensing option
Food Supply Protection Using Big Data (20150084, Dr. Amy Kircher)