Self-Supervision via Data Undersampling (SSDU) Software- Evaluation License

Self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data for MRI

1 licensing option
Kudos® Apple Variety

1 licensing option
Algebra Progress Monitoring (APM)

A screening and progress monitoring assessment program that includes assessments, keys, and training to support educators in tracking the progress of their students in algebra courses.

2 licensing options
SSDU software for non-Cartesian trajectories- Evaluation License

Non-Cartesian implementation of a self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data

1 licensing option
Mysteries of Your Brain - Planetarium Show

Mysteries of Your Brain is a 22-minute planetarium show that takes you on an immersive, animated adventure that explores the intricacies and uniqueness of the human brain.

2 licensing options
SWIFT Software for Bruker MRI Systems

1 licensing option
Film structure modeling and refinement software: FilmInsight

A novel modeling and refinement software designed to analyze the detailed structure of thin films using X-ray diffraction data.

1 licensing option
Outbreak at Watersedge: Interactive Public Health Game

A SCORM version of an e-learning game that can be uploaded to an LMS to introduce learners to the world of public health.

1 licensing option
Psychological First Aid: A Community Supported Model E-Learning Module

A SCORM version of an e-learning module that can be uploaded to an LMS to educate learners on the concepts and applications of psychological first aid.

1 licensing option
Mars: The Ultimate Voyage (Planetarium Show)

A 25-minute planetarium show that highlights NASA research and training initiatives that are preparing the next generation of astronauts who will head to Mars.

2 licensing options
Fundamentals of Disability Accommodations and Inclusive Course Design

An online course for instructors that provides foundational knowledge on reducing barriers in the learning environment through disability accommodations and inclusive course design.

1 licensing option
Self-Efficacy to Reduce Sedentary Behavior (SRSB) Questionnaire

A 9-item questionnaire designed to evaluate self-efficacy to reduce sedentary behavior.

2 licensing options
Scale of Alopecia Areata Distress (SAAD)

A tool (e.g., scale) for assessing the psychosocial impact of Alopecia Areata/Totalis/Universalis on patients' lifes.

1 licensing option
College of Liberal Arts Career Readiness Tools and Resources

The University of Minnesota-College of Liberal Arts is providing access to a suite of tools and resources specifically designed to support the unique career needs of liberal arts students to help them understand and articulate how their education gives them a career advantage.

2 licensing options
Structured Deterministic Model (SDM 2.0)

An Excel-based, user-friendly tool for estimating airborne concentrations that represent potential occupational inhalation exposure to volatile and semi-volatile chemicals and chemical mixtures, aerosols, particulates, and fibers.

4 licensing options
PV-SMaRT Solar Farm Runoff Calculator Version 3.1

An innovative spreadsheet-based runoff calculator to estimate stormwater runoff from ground-mounted solar photovoltaic sites for pre-construction as well as post-construction site-specific conditions.

2 licensing options
UEMview: Source files for UEM delay stage and detector communication

Software files for automating image acquisition in TEM

1 licensing option
3D printable bovine head model

Kidney and Kidney Tumor Segmentation Data

High resolution CT images of kidneys for training machine learning algorithms.

Just One Thing (JOT): custom care plans for people with cognitive challenges

A simple, customizable clinical care guide and worksheet to promote at-home therapy for people with cognitive challenges and their caregivers.

1 licensing option
Quantitative relaxation mapping

Pulse sequence for MRI scanners

1 licensing option
HapShared - a software for pedigree reconstruction

A Python script for performing complex pedigree analysis with high sensitivity.

1 licensing option
High throughput cryopreservation system for up to millimeter-sized samples

A method for cryopreservation of large (100-1000micron dia.) biological samples while improving cell viability.

1 licensing option
Golden Sunset™ Grass

An attractive grass variety with olive-green foliage and yellow-gold flowers.

UEMtomaton: Software for automating image acquisition in electron microscope

Software files for automating image acquisition in TEM

1 licensing option
CDesK© - Modular Desk / Workstation Design and Manufacturing Specifications

2 licensing options
AMSOL 7.1: Software to Calculate Free Energies of Solvation

4 licensing options
Cold Hardy Marquette Grape Variety

2 licensing options
Three Dimensional Dental Anatomy Software Program for Dentistry Students

1 licensing option
University Compliance Program Workbook

2 licensing options
SnowSweet® Apple, Cold Hardy with Sweet Tart Taste

2 licensing options
Cold Hardy Frontenac gris Grape Variety

2 licensing options
Blue Heaven Ornamental Grass

1 licensing option
Cold Hardy La Crescent Grape Variety

2 licensing options
Zestar!® Cold Hardy, Early Season Apple Variety

2 licensing options
Minnesota LIVING WITH HEART FAILURE® Questionnaire (MLHFQ)

The Minnesota LIVING WITH HEART FAILURE® Questionnaire (MLHFQ) is a validated patient-oriented measure of the adverse effects of heart failure on a patient's life.

7 licensing options
3D printed deer head and neck model

Chronic wasting disease transmission and progression e-booklet

An informative and captivating e-booklet on chronic wasting disease transmission and progression.

2 licensing options
A positive pressure testing booth for sample collection

Design files for a portable testing booth that facilitates safe practice of sample collection procedures on patients with infectious pathogens.

1 licensing option
A Gown for U Project - level 1 isolation gown for emergency use

Design files for a low cost, rapidly producible, one-size-fits-all level 1 isolation gown.

1 licensing option
Storage box to facilitate decontamination and reuse of face masks

A safe and well-ventilated storage box for N95 masks - design files and instruction videos.

1 licensing option
MNmask Emergency-Use Face Masks

A design package for three styles of emergency-use face masks.

1 licensing option
Minnesota Solvation (MNSOL) Database

An extensive and vetted database of free energies of solvation.

1 licensing option
Coventor Emergency Ventilator - Adult Manual Resuscitator Compressor

A design package for an emergency, rapid-deployment ventilator system.

1 licensing option
Protocol for mapping sports field properties

A step-by-step, easy-to-follow protocol for collecting and analyzing surface properties of sports fields using commercially available devices and free software.

1 licensing option
MemPy v1.0 - Simulation software for gas separation using spiral-wound membrane modules

A simulation software tool to evaluate performance of spiral-wound membrane modules.

1 licensing option
Peripheral Artery Disease Quality of Life (PADQOL) Questionnaire

A validated instrument to assess the physical, psychosocial and emotional effects on patients suffering from peripheral artery disease.

4 licensing options
Living with Pulmonary Hypertension Questionnaire (LPHQ)

The Living with Pulmonary Hypertension Questionnaire (LPHQ) is a reliable and validated measure of the adverse effects of pulmonary hypertension on a patient’s life.

2 licensing options
Visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart model (VIEgram)

A software for easy visualization of intracardiac electrograms on 3D heart models.

1 licensing option
Protocol for Golf Course Soil Moisture Mapping

A detailed, easy-to-use protocol for collecting and analyzing golf course soil moisture data using commercially available devices and free software.

1 licensing option
Performance Driven Agglomerative Clustering Software

2 licensing options
Healthcare Escape Room Design Guidebooks

6 licensing options
CMRR - Center for Magnetic Resonance Research Software for Siemens MRI Scanners

9 licensing options
MyStrengths MyHealth™

2 licensing options
Automated De-Identification of Distributional Semantics Models

1 licensing option
Peer Mentoring Program Increases Faculty Productivity (PQUAD)

1 licensing option
Single Voxel MR Spectroscopy of Human Brain with Automatic Voxel Positioning

1 licensing option
Image-Based Fiber Orientation and Alignment Calculator

3 licensing options
Mimicked Calcified Annulus Model for Preclinical Assessment of TAVR Devices

1 licensing option
CG-TARGET Interpretation of Chemical-Genetic Interaction Profiles

4 licensing options
BEAN-Counter Quantitative Scoring of Chemical-Genetic Interactions

4 licensing options
Melanocytes and Nerves of a Human Anagen Scalp Hair Follicle

2 licensing options
Stockade of Nerves Surround the Bulge Region of Human Scalp Hair Follicle from Male Patient with Androgenetic Alopecia

2 licensing options
Vascular 3-D Network of the Bulb Region of an Actively-Growing Anagen Human Scalp Hair Follicle

2 licensing options
Nerves, Vessels and Neuropeptides in and around the Stem Cell Region of a Human Scalp Anagen Hair Follicle Image

2 licensing options
Algorithm for Discovering Genetic Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies (BridGE)

1 licensing option
Pediatric Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Assessment

2 licensing options
HerdIn:Form(er): Mobile Questionnaire for Livestock Epidemiology Research (20150194, Dr. Andres Perez)

1 licensing option
Food Supply Protection Using Big Data (20150084, Dr. Amy Kircher)

Cold Hardy Itasca Grape Variety

2 licensing options
Assessment and Severity of Irritant Contact Dermatitis Due to Incontinence (ASICDI) Instrument

An instrument for guiding nursing assessment of irritant contact dermatitis due to urinary and/or fecal incontinence and scoring of its severity.

4 licensing options
Online Global Health Course (20150056)

6 licensing options
LJ-1000 Apple Variety (20150018, Dr. Bedford)

1 licensing option
Physocarpus Opulifolius “Center Glow Ninebark” (20140201, Dr. Harold Pellett)

2 licensing options
Supply Chain Spatial Analysis Software (20130206)

1 licensing option
Sanfilippo Syndrome Behavior Rating Scale (SBRS) (20130141, Dr. Elsa Shapiro)

5 licensing options
VnmrJ SWIFT Software for Agilent Varian Systems

1 licensing option
Valve Control System for Decellularization and Recellularization of Organs (20130112, Dr. Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari)

2 licensing options
Robust Image Correlation Based Strain Calculator for Tissue Systems (20130022, Dr. Victor Barocas)

3 licensing options
Thermodynamic Database Population Software (DBCreate) (20120324, Dr. Martin Saar)

2 licensing options
Mass Spectrometry Software Improves Data Evaluation (20120293, Dr. Timothy Griffin)

2 licensing options
Language Analysis Tool Detects Cognitive Dysfunction (20120188, Dr. Serguei Pakhomov)

1 licensing option
Digital Pathology Virtual Microscope Slides with Online Database (20110025, Dr. Stephen Wiesner)

The Digital Pathology Virtual Microscope Slides allow medical students and allied health professionals to access hematology, body fluids, bacteriology and parasitology microscope slides through an online database for distance learning and enhanced curriculum delivery.

3 licensing options
Fluid Mechanics Simulation Software based on Lattice-Boltzmann Models (20100042, Dr. Martin Saar)

1 licensing option