Cold Hardy Frontenac gris Grape Variety

Cold Hardy Frontenac gris Grape Variety for Winemaking
Frontenac gris wines present aromas of peach and apricot with hints of enticing citrus and tropical fruit. A brilliant balance of fruit and acidity creates lively, refreshing wines. Unique and complex flavors make the Frontenac gris grape excellent for table, dessert and ice wines. Frontenac gris vines are “grower-friendly” due to their winter hardiness, disease resistance, strong vigor, desirable growth habitat and high yield potential. Frontenac gris has proven sufficiently cold hardy for consistent production in central Minnesota where temperatures frequently reach -30°F when good viticulture practices are used. For more information please visit the University of Minnesota's Cold Hardy Grapes
License for Propagating Frontenac gris Grapevines for Sale
If you would like to become licensed to propagate Frontenac gris grape vines for sale, then please complete a plant material variety license application:
- Plant material variety license agreement – United States
- Plant material variety license agreement – Canada
Frontenac gris Grapevines - More Information
- University of Minnesota Grapes
- Matthew Clark's faculty page
- Order vines from a licensed nursery
- Please contact us for licensing outside US or Canada.
Frontenac gris Grapevine - Protection Information
- US Plant Variety Protection USPP16478 P3
- Canadian Plant Breeders' Rights - Certificate Number 4952
swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)Product brochureCold Hardy Frontenac gris Grape Variety.pdfAdditional files may be available once you've completed the transaction for this product. If you've already done so, please log into your account and visit My account / Downloads section to view them.