Kudos® Apple Variety

Technology No. 20150072
IP Status: 

  • Issued US Plant Patent; Issued Patent No. PP35830
  • Registered US Trademark


Kudos® brand MN33 apple variety produces attractive, well-colored fruit with a unique combination of traits including an excellent crisp, juicy texture and a sweet, well-balanced flavor with occasional tropical overtones. Kudos® was developed by crossing the U of M hits Honeycrisp and Zestar!®, making it a sister to the popular SweeTango® apple. It will be ready to harvest in late September, similar to or slightly later than its parent Honeycrisp, and is hardy to USDA Zone 4.


  • Parentage: Honeycrisp X Minnewashta (known as Zestar!®)
  • Harvest Season: Late September; similar to Honeycrisp or up to 1 week later

Tree Characteristics

Vigor: medium to high
Form: spreading
Fruit Adherence: good
Cropping: consistent annual bearing
Hardiness: USDA zone 4
Disease Resistance: Scab; excellent tolerance; contains two forms of genetic scab resistance

Fruit Characteristics

Skin Color: 85-95% blushed red
Size: 2.9-3.2 inches
Texture: very crisp and juicy; usually 17-19 lbs pressure at harvest
Flavor: sweet, well balanced; sometimes with tropical overtones
Storage Life: up to 5 months in common storage (without 1-MCP)

Disease Resistance

Scab: somewhat tolerant; similar to Honeycrisp
Fire blight: not observed

Desired Partnerships

Kudos® brand MN33 has been released as an “open variety” (tree royalty only) and growers may purchase trees directly from nurseries licensed by the University of Minnesota. It was released to nurseries for propagation in 2022 and orchards have been placing orders for trees to plant.

External Links

Please visit the Minnesota Hardy Website for additional cultural information.


  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    Kudos® Apple Variety.pdf
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Non-Exclusive Plant Material and Trademark License Agreement - United States

Term: 30 years

Price per unit:
From $1,000.00 excl. TAX

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