SWIFT code reimplemented in C/C++
Provides most recent, user friendly versions of all SWIFT related pulse sequences integrated with software allowing a fast local and remote image reconstruction. The functionality implemented highly exceeds from what Agilent SWIFT package has from Steady State Imaging (SSI). The University owns the copyright for all the new code. For information about licensing this FREE software, please visit CMRR's SWIFT website.
- Easy to switch between SWIFT versions: original- SWIFT, MB-SWIFT, continuous-SWIFT and spectroscopic-SWIFT (GM-SWIFT on the implementation study);
- ZTE and UTE sequences also implemented for comparison study;
- Variety of magnetization preparations options to create a different contrasts;
- Implemented Look-Locker approaches to collect T1, T1rho, B1 etc. maps in one shot;
- The fitting program integrated with reconstruction creates the maps automatically after the data acquisition; and
- FMRI protocol optimized based on MB-SWIFT.
Phase of Development -Software package ready for use on Agilent Varian MRI scanners. Researchers interested in using this free software for non-commercial research applications can obtain a license using the "order now" button provided on the right panel of this page.
- Djaudat Idiyatullin, PhD, Assistant Professor, Radiology
- Michael Garwood, PhD, Professor, Radiology
- Curtis Corum
- Steen Moeller, PhD, Assistant Professor, Radiology
- Ryan Chamberlain
- Michael Tesch
- Steven Suddarth
swap_vertical_circlelibrary_booksReferences (5)
- Idiyatullin, Djaudat, Curtis A. Corum, and Michael Garwood. , "Multi-band-SWIFT.", Journal of Magnetic Resonance 251 (2015): 19-25.
- Idiyatullin, Djaudat, Steven Suddarth, Curtis A. Corum, Gregor Adriany, and Michael Garwood. , "Continuous SWIFT.", Journal of Magnetic Resonance 220 (2012): 26-31.
- Idiyatullin, Djaudat, Curt Corum, Jang-Yeon Park, and Michael Garwood. , "Fast and quiet MRI using a swept radiofrequency.", Journal of magnetic resonance 181, no. 2 (2006): 342-349.
- Idiyatullin D, Corum C, Moeller S, Ellermann J, Garwood M, editors. , Spectroscopic SWIFT., ISMRM 17th Annual Scientific Meeting & Exhibition; 2009 18 -24 April; Honolulu, Hawaii USA.
- Zhang, Jinjin, Djaudat Idiyatullin, Curtis A. Corum, Naoharu Kobayashi, and Michael Garwood. , "Gradient‐modulated SWIFT.", Magnetic resonance in medicine 75, no. 2 (2016): 537-546.
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