Compounds that lead to degradation of cancer relevant proteins

Compounds target and degrade kinases, specifically Aurora A and CDK4/6, for effective cancer treatment.

Design of ultrathin nanowire-based integrated via for CMOS application in millimeter-wave frequencies

A device for millimeter-wave frequency CMOS applications with decreased loss made with bundles of integrated nanowires.

A tau antibody for detecting and treating Alzheimer's disease

An antibody for detecting, screening, and inhibiting Tau products critical in Alzheimer’s disease

Anti-viral phosphoramidates for treating SARS-CoV and influenza

A method for treating an influenza viral infection or a severe acute respiratory syndrome

Perfect exciter and tactile transducer loudspeaker simulator (PETTaLS)

An end-user software for the layout and design of loudspeakers and haptic displays using exciters

Zika as an oncolytic virus to treat brain tumors

A method to treat aggressive brain cancers using Zika as an oncolytic virus combined with anti-cancer vaccinations.

Motion robust magnetic resonance imaging (MOTOR-MRI)

A method for suppressing motion artifacts in anatomical magnetic resonance imaging

Didehydro-nucleoside antiviral agents

A broad-spectrum antiviral agent platform

Monocular camera based time-to-intrusion estimation

A method for estimating the time-to-intrusion of a vehicle to a protected zone using only a monocular camera

Plasma cell-free DNA sequencing assay for advanced prostate cancer

A liquid biopsy assay for predicting survival outcomes of castration-resistant prostate cancer

Inhibitors of Cell Adhesion by Nectin Peptides

Peptides that functionally block ovarian cancer cell adhesion by targeting Nectin-4

Self-Supervision via Data Undersampling (SSDU) Software- Evaluation License

Self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data for MRI

1 licensing option
Hamster CD4 and CD8 antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies against Syrian golden hamster CD4 and CD8

TiW alloy adhesion layer for integration of anodic aluminum oxide on substrates

A method for developing an integrated via structure for improved performance in CMOS applications at millimeter- and submillimeter-wave frequencies

hMETIS Version 1.5

A software package for partitioning large hypergraphs, especially those arising in circuit design.

3D printing of organisms

A 3D printing system with multiple nozzles to automatically pick-and-place single and multiple living organisms in desired 3D locations.

Pulsed electric field processing of dairy proteins

A method of using pulsed electric field processing to modify functional properties of dairy proteins

Rapid detection and prediction of functional characteristics of dairy powders using near-infrared spectroscopy

A model for predicting the functional properties of dairy powders characterized using NIR spectroscopy

Glycoengineered mesenchymal stem cells as targeted therapeutic carriers

A targeted therapeutic delivery system utilizing glycoengineered mesenchymal stem cells for reduced toxicity and increased treatment residence time

An anti-CD133 hybridoma

A hybridoma for manufacturing anti-CD133 antibodies capable of recognizing glycosylated and non-glycosylated epitopes

Low-cost laser-induced graphene heaters for polymerase chain reaction

A graphene heater for portable devices with low power consumption and cost of manufacturing

Serum-based extracellular vesicle panel for detection for glioblastoma

A blood-based panel for diagnosing and tracking glioblastoma to improve patient outcomes

Hyperstable synthetic miniproteins as ligand scaffolds

Hyperstable synthetic miniproteins as modular ligand scaffolds for advanced therapeutics and diagnostics.

Progesterone receptor detection for breast cancer therapy

A test to detect phosphorylated progesterone receptors for patient stratification

CDK2 inhibitors for cancer therapy and male contraception

CDK2 inhibitors for cancer therapy and non-hormonal male contraception with high selectivity and reduced side effects.

Method for Phase Control in Distributed Arrays

A method of phase alignment in large antenna arrays to improve scalability with low power consumption

Realization of a perfect light absorber in two-dimensional homobilayer by reducing interlayer interaction

Nanofabrication approaches for realizing perfect light absorbance in two-dimensional homobilayer materials

SSDU software for non-Cartesian trajectories- Evaluation License

Non-Cartesian implementation of a self-supervised physics-based deep learning reconstruction without fully-sampled data

1 licensing option
Inverse modeling based approach for land cover mapping

A modeling approach for generating land cover maps for crop growth predictions utilizing satellite images and weather data

An assay for detecting Palmer amaranth DNA in individual and mixed samples

A method and kit for determining whether a sample contains Amaranthus palmeri, a prohibited noxious seed in multiple states, plant material.

Integrated Acousto-optic Light Beam Steering Device

An acousto-optic device design where the acoustic waves directly scatter and steer optical waves into free space for ranging sensors at low cost and with a small form factor.

Soluble, active DNA cytosine deaminase for use as a research tool

A method to produce soluble DNA cytosine deaminase for assays of potential inhibitors of HIV-1 and as a tool for biotech applications

Artificial gut/absorption simulator for evaluation of drug formulations dissolution

A device and method for simulating a digestive gut to evaluate drug delivery that incorporates simultaneous absorption with dissolution

Bioderived polymers from dienes for compatibilization and recycling of polyethylene and polypropylene mixed waste

Bioderived block copolymers used for the recycling of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) mixed waste.

Encapsulated supported anaerobic biofilms for enhanced methane production

Encapsulated anaerobic biofilms for treating wastewater and generating desirable products such as methane or hydrogen gas.

Superconducting diode effect in a three-terminal Josephson device

A superconducting quantum device for scalable and gate tunable realization of the Josephson diode effect

Novel compounds for treatment of neurodegenerative disease and chronic pain

Novel alpha2-adrenergic agonists with neuroprotective and/or analgesic properties.