FINPACK® Financial Software for Agricultural and Farm Management

FINPACK® is the credit analysis solution that can help lenders work smarter and serve customers better.
Technology No. 89135

Farm Financial Software for Management and Planning

The farm and agricultural management, financial, and accounting software, called FINPACK®, helps producers, lenders, and agricultural professionals evaluate a farm's financial position, explore alternatives, and make informed farm management decisions. In addition to determining the current situation and profitability of farms, the software has a range of planning tools for farmers to explore alternative financial scenarios, and strategically position the farm's operation to meet future challenges. Once a user establishes a clear picture of the future farm business, the software will project cash flows, revenues, expenses, debt repayment and operating credit requirements for any portion of a year or entire years up to 10 years. Specialized software versions are available for producers, lenders, and agricultural professionals. FINPACK is the most popular financial software in farm management.

Some of the products of FINPACK include:

  • Commercial Credit Analysis
  • Agricultural Credit Analysis
  • Loan Portfolio Stress Testing

Benefits of the FINPACK Farm Financial Software:

  • Accurate picture of financial situations for better informed decisions
  • Detailed projections of future financial scenarios
  • Unique packages for farmers and ranchers, agricultural professionals and lenders
  • Ability to import data directly into plans and analysis

Fulfillment Details

Visit Center for Farm Financial Management for further information, including FINPACK online training programs, conferences, publications, trial version, and purchase options. Or call Customer Support at 1-800-234-1111. Please log on to to learn more.

Researchers: FINPACK, Center for Farm Financial Management
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