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safety training Find out more Infrared photodetector utilizing coaxial nanoaperture antennas Find out more Nanoscale carbon dots for PFAS phytoremediation Find out more Phytoremediation of PFAS with ultraporous silica nanoparticles Find out more Steerable magneto-photonic particles for targeted delivery and collection of light Find out more Method and devices for detection of suspended nanoparticles Find out more 3D-printed skin-wearable photodetector device Find out more Extrusion via self-lubricated photopolymerization for manufacturing and self-growing robots Find out more Nanominne-1: novel virus-like particle (nanoparticle) vaccines to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections Find out more Method for mass production of high performance magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications Find out more Epoxy resins with improved toughness Find out more Electrical-field bidirectional switching of full MTJs Find out more SHE-CRAM: Computational Random Access Memory (CRAM) based on Spin Hall Effect Find out more High gyrotropy sputtered garnet for photonic isolators Find out more Low-energy platinum coatings Find out more Rapid microbial diagnostics Find out more Spin orbit torque generating materials Find out more Ultra-smooth Patterned Metal Films for Plasmonics Find out more Plasma Synthesis of Nanocrystals Find out more Nanoparticles Functionalized with Organic Molecules Find out more Programmable Self-assembly Method for Nanocomponents and Microcomponents Find out more Aerodynamic Lenses Optimized For Nanoparticles Find out more Directed Self-Assembly, Reconfigurable Manufacturing for Microsystems Find out more Micro Fabrication Using High Resolution Xerographic Printer Find out more Spray Pyrolysis Fabrication of Nanoporous Material Find out more Improving photovoltaic cell efficiency by employing highly stable, earth-abundant nanoparticle system Find out more Hybrid charge trap transistor-MRAM memory devices (2020-102, Dr. Jian-Ping Wang) Find out more Nanoparticle bio-pesticide to improve crop health, germination, and overall yield Find out more Patterned organic semiconductor layer for increased efficiency in OLEDs Find out more 3D printing on Moving Freeform Surfaces Find out more Electric-field switching of perpendicular MTJs Find out more Nanowire Based Closed Ring Resonators with Extremely High Quality Factors Find out more 3D Printed Stretchable Tactile Sensors with Electronic Ink Find out more 3D Microscale Isotropic Metamaterials Find out more Graphene Based 3D Nanotubes and Nanochannel Sensors Find out more Tunable Neural Electrodes for MRI-Compatible Brain Signal Recordings Find out more Spintronic Thermal Sensor (20170082, Dr. Jian-Ping Wang) Find out more Direct Synthesis of High Aspect Ratio Zeolite Nanosheets Find out more Fast Magnetoelectric Device Based on Current-driven Domain Wall Propagation (20160364, Dr. Jian-Ping Wang) Find out more Warming of Cryopreserved Biomaterials using Laser Assisted Gold Nanorods Find out more Vertical Semiconductor Nanowires on Metal Substrate Find out more Nanowire Based Split Ring Resonator Find out more Zeolite Nanosheets with Open Pores Find out more Ultra High Density Integrated Composite Capacitor Design for CMOS Find out more Graphene Formaldehyde Sensor (20150354, Dr. Tianhong Cui) Find out more Spintronic Analog-to-Digital Convertor (ADC) (20140257, Dr. Jian-Ping Wang) Find out more Mesoporous Silica-coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticle (20140249, Dr. Christy Haynes) Find out more Energy Efficient Spin Logic with Larger Output Voltage (20140235, Dr. Jian-Ping Wang) Find out more ssDNA Amphiphile Self-Assembly Forms DNA Nanotubes (20140227, Dr. Efie Kokkoli) Find out more Electromigration on Signal Interconnects (20140089, Dr. Sachin Sapatnekar) Find out more Ultra-low Power Carbon Nanotube Logic Circuits (20140082, Dr. Chris Hyungil Kim) Find out more Mesoporous silica nanoparticles with ultra high porosity Find out more Nanotechnology Fabrication of Nanogaps Metal Films (20130266, Dr. Sang Hyun Oh) Find out more Long-term whole organ cryopreservation and transplantation Find out more Polyhydroxyalkanoates Blended with Graphene Nanocomposites (20130048, Dr. Srienc) Find out more Liquid-Phase Deposition of Silicon Nanocrystal Films (20120201, Dr. Uwe Kortshagen) Find out more Particle Morphology Measurement (20100247) Find out more Nanoporous Polymer Membrane Fabrication (20100133, Dr. Marc Hillmyer) Find out more Category VIEW ALL chevron_right Express License (84) chevron_right Engineering & Physical Sciences (430) Chemicals (73) Design Specifications (89) Energy (11) Instrumentation, Sensors & Controls (160) Materials (96) MRI & Spectroscopy (63) Nanotechnology (66) Photonics (24) Processes (26) Robotics (30) Semiconductor (54) Sustainable Technology (65) Transportation (33) chevron_right Life Sciences (463) Biologics (39) Biomarkers (34) Biomaterials (14) Biochemicals & Small Molecules (36) Diagnostics & Imaging (144) Health IT (38) Human Health 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