Psychological First Aid Tutorial For iPhone and Android (20140244, Dr. Debra Olson)

Technology No. 20140244

Psychological First Aid Mobile App

The Psychological First Aid (PFA) Tutorial app provides information on site for persons who have been trained in PFA procedures. The PFA mobile app is available for Apple and Android devices making it very accessible and easy to use while in the field following a traumatic event, natural disaster, public health emergency, act of terrorism, or personal crisis.  First responders, health care providers, mental health providers and Medical Reserve Corps volunteers are able to practice scenarios that provide valuable opportunities to check individuals’ readiness and understanding. The app also reviews self-care actions appropriate for PFA providers and responders before, during, and after responding to an emergency event.


  • The app promotes safety, connectedness, and self empowerment
  • Users can review ways to engage with disaster survivors in a supportive manner
  • PFA app lists common reactions to traumatic events to help health providers
  • Outlines how to recognize when a referral to a mental health provider is indicated

Phase of Development The app is available for Android and Apple devices. It can be downloaded from the Google Play and iTunes stores.

Debra K. Olson, DNP, MPH
Professor, School of Public Health, Division of Environmental Health Sciences
External Link (

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