Computer-based Training Framework

Technology No. 20160047

Consistent Training with Reportable and Searchable Results

FRAME is an interactive, online training software package that provides comprehensive, standardized training with measurable results for any type of organization, discipline or career path. Its online framework ensures consistency, as the same training is accessible to any worker, anytime, anywhere in the world. The software features a matrix whereby workers are trained in user-defined core competencies and then assessed at different levels of proficiency. For any given core competency, a worker must demonstrate proficiency in Tier 1, for example, before moving on to Tier 2. The framework makes training program review and approval easier within an organization and also provides administrators with quick access to all individuals trained in particular skills at various levels. The software allows corporations to standardize employee training, employees to take meaningful, non-proprietary training records with them to new jobs, and governments to provide consistent training for emergency responders.

Core Competencies Tracking

For corporations, the training framework can be tailored for any level: from entry level to upper management. The software standardizes training for employees and measures proficiency across a number of core competencies, not only as defined by each organization, but also more generally, by discipline, making the training more universal and transferable. Employees can keep records of training in their discipline throughout their career and can take those records with them if they change jobs/organizations. Currently, training records are kept within the company and rarely transfer to a new company.

Emergency Response Event-based Training

The FRAME technology is currently implemented to train emergency responders. Deploying sufficiently-trained responders is critical in managing any disaster, and with no current repository for training records or for responders, quickly identifying and deploying trained responders can prove difficult. Additionally, many states still maintain paper training records and lack faster, electronic means to access and track the records. The Food Protection and Defense Institute uses the FRAME technology to create a comprehensive training framework for its animal agriculture emergency responders.


  • Comprehensive, standardized training with measurable results
  • Online framework accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world
  • Ensures emergency response workers are consistently trained
  • Trains and assesses specific job functions, specialty disciplines or career paths
  • Electronic records speed access and can be exported to an organization’s system

Phase of Development - Beta

Amy Kircher, DrPH
Director, Food Protection and Defense Institute
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