MovieLens Database

Technology No. z05173

Ratings Data For Movies

The MovieLens database is a large movie ratings database composed of approximately 11 million ratings of around 8500 movies. The movie ratings are submitted by users online for a specific movie and are then stored in the database. Identification information for each movie is included in the MovieLens database but user ratings contain no trace of user-identifiable information. Movie ratings submitted by the user are on a scale of ½ a star to the maximum of 5 stars. This information is invaluable for commercial entities, interested in marketing movies, who can harness the large scale of movie ratings as a “seed dataset”. This in turn allows them to aid their customers more effectively in their personalization and recommendation applications.

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  • Does not contain identifying information about individuals who have used database
  • Houses large amount of ratings data on hundreds of movies
  • Invaluable resource to commercial entities

Researchers: GroupLens - Social Computing Research
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